Scarnati Reflects on Being Lt. Governor;
Looks to Future in Light of 'Power Shift'

By ANNE HOLLIDAY WESB/WBRR News Director Joe Scarnati says he’s enjoyed serving as lieutenant governor, but now he’s looking forward to spending more time in his senate district. Scarnati has been serving as senator, Senate President as well as Lt. Governor since the death of Catherine Baker Knoll in November of 2008. The current lieutenant governor’s term ends January 18, 2011, at 11:45 a.m. when Jim Cawley is sworn in. “It’s been a very difficult last several years,” Scarnati said of holding all three jobs, as well as dealing with difficult budget issues. “I hope to be back in somewhat of a routine to get around a lot more often (in the district) than I’ve been able to in the last two years.” “It’s been a pleasure serving as lieutenant governor,” he said, then added with a smile, “maybe not as lieutenant governor to Ed Rendell -- but it’s been a pleasure and an honor to serve the Commonwealth in that capacity. But I like being the state senator from the 25th District.” He does plan ...