
Showing posts from February 14, 2010

Bucs in Bradenton -- Day 3

Players took the field for the morning stretch and long-toss throwing program at 10:00 under cloudy skies and temps in the 50’s. The final 30 minutes of the workout included a few drops of rain. Today was the second bullpen session for the following pitchers (Ross Ohlendorf, Paul Maholm, Kevin Hart, D.J. Carrasco, Jeff Karstens, Jack Taschner, Steven Jackson, Bryan Morris, Brad Lincoln, Donnie Veal, Chris Jakubauskas, Justin Thomas, Anthony Claggett and Virgil Vasquez). Those 14 pitchers threw between 40-45 pitches during their session. The workout was much of the same as yesterday. Pitchers participated in fielding and bunting drills. Those who didn’t throw, conditioned and were off the fields by 11:45. All pitchers were finished by 12:05. After their throwing program and catching bullpens, the catchers took batting practice, conditioned and were done by 12:25. Various position players took batting practice from 10:45 to 11:45 (four groups/15 minutes each) and were off the fields by...

Alexander Haig Has Died

From CNN: Former Secretary of State Alexander Haig has died, a Johns Hopkins Hospital spokesman says. Haig was a retired United States Army general who served as the United States Secretary of State under President Ronald Reagan and White House Chief of Staff under Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. In 1973 Haig served as Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, the number-two ranking officer in the Army. Haig served as the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, commanding all U.S. and NATO forces in Europe. For more, go to .

Epstein to Perform Piano Concert at UPB

Musician Ed Epstein, who has played in Broadway musicals and as a CBS studio musician for the Arthur Godfrey Show, will perform an improvised piano concert Feb. 25 at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford. “A Songbook of 20th Century Music” will start at 11:30 a.m. in the KOA Speer Electronics Lobby of Blaisdell Hall. The free Noon Tunes series concert is part of the university’s Spectrum Series. “It’s difficult to predict the music he’ll treat us to during the Noon Tunes concert, but I think it’s safe to say that his roots in jazz and musical theater will come through,” said Dr. John Levey, assistant professor of music at Pitt-Bradford. “I think there will be a few surprises, too. Dr. Epstein has internalized a vast amount of repertoire, and it will be exciting to discover what he has planned for the audience.” A Brooklyn, N.Y., native, Epstein began tickling the ivories at age 4, with having lessons twice a week until he was 15. At 8 years of age, he began studying the trumpet. He...

McKean County Municipalities Getting
$1.5 Million in Liquid Fuels Funding

City of Bradford to receive about $180,000 Harrisburg - To aid local governments with mounting winter storm cleanup costs, Governor Edward G. Rendell today directed the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation to release early $308 million in liquid fuels payments. “Through a disaster emergency proclamation I issued Feb. 6, PennDOT is able to deliver needed liquid fuels payments a full month ahead of schedule to immediately assist local governments with the costs incurred this winter,” Governor Rendell said. PennDOT will issue liquid fuels payments starting March 1 to 2,556 local governments throughout the state. These payments normally begin after April 1 each year. McKean County is getting a total of almost $1.5 million with the City of Bradford getting about $180,000 of that. To see how much each municipality is getting, click here . “This winter has placed significant demands on the resources of both PennDOT and its partners in local government. The early release of these funds wi...

Tiger Apologizes

I'm sure everyone who wants to see this has seen it, but I'm posting it for historical and archive purposes.

Women's Leadership Conference at UPB

The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford hosted more than 140 high school and college students at a women’s leadership conference Friday to talk about “Lessons of Self-Leadership.” Lisa B. Marshall (pictured), host and creator of the Internet radio program “The Public Speaker,” gave the keynote address to students from Allegany-Limestone (N.Y.) Central School, Bradford Area High School, Jamestown (N.Y.) Community College, Otto-Eldred Junior Senior High School, Oswayo Valley High School, Pitt-Bradford, Scio (N.Y.) Central School, Sheffield Area Middle-High School, Smethport Area Junior/Senior High School and Warren Area High School. Marshall spoke to the students about “Lessons of Self-Leadership,” telling them to “pay attention to your internal dialogue and put things in perspective.” She also exhorted practice as a means to success and learning all that one can. After listening to Marshall’s talk, students broke into smaller groups to work with Pitt...

Sen. Young Statement on Park Closings

“Allegany State Park and Long Point State Park attract countless visitors every year and bring in tons of revenue to our region. These parks are enormous assets and provide inexpensive recreational and outdoor experiences, which is important in these tough economic times. Allegany State Park alone draws millions of visitors every year. Last year, the State invested $4.1 million into renovation and capital improvements projects at Allegany State Park with the hopes of attracting even more visitors. To close even a part of this park is counter-productive and will deliver a blow to our local businesses and tourism. The irresponsible spending and bloated budget passed last year by New York City legislative leaders created a deficit that is now putting our parks in jeopardy of closing. We should be targeting spending cuts on things like Medicaid fraud, the state bureaucracy or the three billion dollars in new state programs launched last year – not closing o...

Bucs in Bradenton -- Day 2

Another cool start with the players taking the fields at 10:00 AM in 49-degree weather and mostly cloudy skies. It warmed up to 59 by the end of the workout. After the daily team stretch and a long toss/throwing program, the pitchers broke into their individual groups for bunting and fielding drills. The following 16 pitchers threw a 35/40 pitch bullpen session: Zach Duke, Charlie Morton, Daniel McCutchen, Brian Burres, Brendan Donnelly, Javier Lopez, Octavio Dotel, Jeremy Powell, Evan Meek, Wil Ledezma, Vinnie Chulk, Brian Bass, Ronald Uviedo, Ramon Aguero, Jeff Sues, Jean Machi. Various position players took batting practice from 10:45 to 11:35, conditioned and were done at 11:50. Non-throwing pitchers were done by 11:50 and the final group of pitchers who threw were off the fields by 12:15. The catchers caught bullpens, took batting practice, conditioned and were done at 12:30. Rehabbing pitchers Craig Hansen and Tyler Yates long-tossed for about 15 minutes. Rehabbing pitchers Nea...

Judge Upholds Monserrate Decision

A federal judge today rejected Hiram Monserrate's suit to block his expulsion from the New York State Senate. One of Monserrate's arguments against expulsion was that the voters of his district should decide if he keeps his seat, but U.S. District Judge William Pauley says the negative effect on the voting rights of citizens in the Queens Senate district is small because a special election has already been scheduled and the seat will only be vacant for a few weeks. The special election to fill the seat has been scheduled for March 16.Monserrate will not be barred from that special ballot, and he has already said he'll run. The state Senate voted 53 to 8 last week to expel Monserrate because of his conviction of misdemeanor assault for dragging his girlfriend through an apartment building lobby. New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo says he's gratified that the court upheld the decision. "The time for changing the culture of Albany is long past due," Cuomo sa...

Young: Witholding New Yorkers'
Tax Refund Checks is Outrageous

ALBANY - Senator Catharine Young (R,C,I – Olean) today called on Governor David Paterson to release hundreds and millions of dollars in tax refunds to New York State taxpayers. “It is outrageous that the governor would even consider withholding tax refund checks The taxpayers of this state are hard-working people who did their duty by paying their taxes on time. Now the state needs to meet its obligation to its taxpayers and pay them their money,” said Sen. Young. As much as $500 million in refund payments could be delayed if Governor Paterson’s proposal is enacted. “Delaying these checks doesn’t end the state’s budget problems – it merely pushes them off to the next fiscal year. For now, all it does is cause problems for countless families and small businesses who depend on their tax refunds to meet their financial obligations,” Sen. Young said. “This plan is a colossal slap in the face to the people of this state who already are taxed too much. The Governor needs to stop the shell ga...

Tops Closing 4 Former Penn Traffic Stores

Tops Friendly Markets is closing four of the 79 former Penn Traffic stores it acquired last month. The stores are in Hornell, New York, and Clarion and Blairsville, Pennsylvania. The fourth store is in Vermont. Tops cited economic viability, current store conditions and the ability for the stores to compete in the marketplace as the reasons for closing the stores. Last month Tops paid more than $85 million for most of Penn Traffic's assets, including the 79 supermarkets. Penn Traffic filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection from its creditors on November 18.

Quaker Beach at ASP on Closure List

The Quaker Area Swim Beach at Allegany State Park is one of the areas that will be closed under a proposal from Governor David Paterson. The Quaker Cabins Area would close on December 1 and winter trails mainenance would be eliminated. Recreation programs would also be reduced. In Chautauqua County, Long Point State Park would close. 41 parks across the state would be closed in an effort to save money in light of the state's fiscal crisis.

PennDOT Extends Deadline for
Safe Driving Radio PSA Contest

Harrisburg – Due to recent weather-related school cancelations, PennDOT has extended until March 12 the deadline for high school students to submit entries for its "Drive Safe PA" radio contest. The contest invites high school students to create a 30-second radio public service announcement, or PSA, to remind drivers about the importance of highway safety. High school sophomores, juniors and seniors are invited to create a PSA focused on aggressive driving, buckling up or driving under the influence. The PSA must include the phrase "Drive Safe PA," which PennDOT introduced last year as part of its continued commitment to highway safety. One finalist will be chosen from each of PennDOT’s 11 engineering districts. The winning students will be invited to Harrisburg to have the PSA professionally recorded and then distributed to radio stations in their respective areas. Winning students from each PennDOT district will receive certificates and copies of the finished PSA....

Shriners Hospital Receiving ARRA Money

The Erie Shriners Hospital will receive a $250,000 grant from the state Department of Environmental Protection, as part of the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The money will go toward a number of energy -saving measures at the hospital. The hospital's lighting, air handling and boiler systems will all be made more energy efficient. Officials expect to see an annual savings in utility costs of $64,000.

Mother, Son Facing Theft Charges

A mother and son from Chautauqua County are facing charges for allegedly trying to steal items from a Dollar General Store. Sheriff's deputies say 45-year-old Mary Jane Tundo and 21-year-old Aaron Tundo, both of Hanover, were both charged with pettit larceny. Authorites say the two were acting suspiciously, and were later found with several items hidden in their clothing.

Woman Charged After Fatal Crash

A Warren woman has been charged in connection with an accident in which her passenger died. 38-year-old Sheri Hawkins is charged with involuntary manslaughter, DUI, homicide while DUI, and several traffic violations. On January 26, Hawkins was driving on Old Route 62 in Pine Grove Township when her vehicle hit a culvert and rolled over. Her passenger, Michael Piazza, was trapped under the vehicle and died at the scene.

Free Family Film Fest -- Spy Kids 2

The Free Family Film Fest will show “SPY Kids 2” on Saturday, February 20 at 10 a.m. at the Main Street Moviehouse. The Film Fest is open to children of all ages. However, children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Attendees are encouraged to arrive early so they can register, and enter a drawing for a bicycle donated by Just Riding Along. The drawing for the bicycle will be held at the conclusion of the series on Saturday, February 27th. Special guests this week will be State Representative Marty Causer and his family. Additionally, each child will receive a free bag of candy and will be eligible to win weekly prizes. For more information about the Free Family Film Fest contact the Main Street Manager’s office.

Day 1 in Bradenton

After a morning filled with physicals and a meeting with the entire staff at noon, the pitchers, catchers and some position players took the fields at Pirate City at 1:00. Under sunny skies, breezy conditions and temps in the mid 50’s, a total of 35 pitchers and catchers participated in their first workout. RHP Jean Machi underwent some follow-up tests after his physical and was held out of practice. The players all stretched and long-tossed before breaking into individual groups at 1:35. Pitchers participated in fielding drills and bunting drills. The following 14 pitchers threw a 35 to 40-pitch bullpen session – Ross Ohlendorf, Kevin Hart, Jeff Karstens, Steven Jackson, Brad Lincoln, Chris Jakubauskas, Paul Maholm, D.J. Carrasco, Anthony Claggett, Virgil Vasquez, Jack Taschner, Donnie Veal, Justin Thomas, Bryan Morris. The following 13 position players took batting practice in three separate groups for 15 minutes each – John Raynor, Andy LaRoche, Steve Pearce, Doug Bernier, Bobby Cro...

Derby Chapeau Tea on March 14

Derby Chapeau Tea, scheduled for Sunday March 14, 2010 from 2 – 4 pm, is the second event of the Triple Crown leading up to the annual Derby Gala to be held in May. The Tea will be held at the Bradford Area Public Library in attempt to showcase the library’s beautiful facilities. The cost to attend this event is $10.00, with all proceeds to support the BAPL Endowment Fund. Patty Sanfilippo and Gae Colligan are the co-chairs for this year’s Derby Chapeau Tea. The afternoon affair includes a light friendly lunch comprised of tea sandwiches, cookies, petit-fours, and fresh fruit. Barbara Shufran is overseeing the catering, which is comprised of 10 devoted volunteers. In addition, Lee Doynow is offering her expertise in the building of her delicious petit-fours. The majority of the catering work will be done just prior to the tea at the Friendship Table, where they are able to utilize the resources of a caterer’s kitchen. New to this year’s event, is a “Unique Bou-TEA-que”, wher...

Plane Crashes into Texas Building

A small plane has crashed into a building in Austin, Texas. Watch live coverage now on

Dame Inez Bull Dies at 89

Dame Inez Stewart Bull, 89, of Montclair, New Jersey, died on Monday, Feb. 8, following a brief illness. She was born in Newark, daughter of the late Johan Randulf Bull and Aurora Stewart Bull. She lived in Montclair and Galeton, Pa. A graduate of the Juilliard School of Music and the New York College of Music, Ms. Bull received a Fulbright Scholarship to study at the University of Oslo, Norway. She earned an M.A. in music education in 1972 and an Ed.D. in 1979, both from New York University. In 1999, Ms. Bull was given the St. Olav Medal by King Harald V of Norway. This honor resulted, in part, from her creation of the Ole Bull Museum and the Ole Bull Music Festival in Galeton, Pa. Like a knighthood in England, this honor entitled her to the title "Dame." Ms. Bull instructed piano at the Juilliard Institute of Musical Arts, served as director of music for the Essex County Girls Vocational & Technical High School in Newark, and director and organist at the N.J. Institute ...

Bucs' Report from Bradenton

The Pirates announced prior to today’s workout that RHP Joel Hanrahan has a right flexor-pronator strain (elbow). He will be examined by Pittsburgh’s Medical Director, Dr. Patrick DeMeo, today in Bradenton. Hanrahan and RHP Jose Ascanio (rehabbing from right shoulder surgery) are scheduled to see Dr. James Andrews next Thursday (February 25) in Pensacola, FL. Hanrahan for a second opinion and Ascanio for a check-up. The Pirates also announced that infielder Ramon Vazquez underwent surgery on his right knee in November, 2009. He is expected to partake in monitored spring training action and is expected to be healthy by Opening Day. A total of 36 pitchers and catchers are expected to take the fields today at 12:30 for the first workout of the spring. All pitchers and catchers are undergoing physicals this morning and will have a meeting at noon before heading out to the practice fields. The following six pitchers are not active due to medical reasons: Jose Ascanio (rehabbing from art...

Tax Increase in Salamanca

Salamanca City Council has adopted a new budget for 2010-2011 that includes a 3.2 percent tax increase. Mayor Jeffrey Pond said the increase was necessary because of reduction in state aid in several areas, collecting less in mortgage taxes and interest that would have been earned on those revenues. The city’s taxable assessment is down due to continuing removal of properties from the tax rolls that are deeded to Native Americans, who are tax exempt.

Feldman Makes Byllye Lanes History

Last night at Byllye Lanes, 19-year-old Justin Feldman rolled an 806. Last Saturday, he had an 810. That's the first time anyone at Byllye Lanes has had two 800 series in less than a week. Updated on March 6 -- Bradford Bowling Legend Bruce Therminy says that's the first time a person has had two 800 series' in one bowling season!

PA, NY Parks are Possible Budget Victims

New York State’s parks system is facing another round of budget cuts that is likely to result in some parks being closed this summer. New York and Pennsylvania are among several states considering closing parks a year after some were either shut down or had service and staff reductions. New York state parks officials say they're still compiling the list of facilities that will be closed. That list is expected to be released in a few weeks. The Pennsylvania DCNR is still putting together a final list of cuts that will affect every state park this year and will post them on each park's Web page.

Bradford Man Sentenced in New York

A Bradford man will be serving up to six months in jail and five years probation for an assault and robbery involving the sale last February of fake crack cocaine in Tompkins County, New York. 24-year-old Leland Baker was intially charged with two counts of second-degree robbery and attempted second-degree assault, but pleaded guilty to attempted second-degree robbery. On Feb. 13, 2009, White sold the assault victim and his girlfriend what they thought was a piece of crack cocaine for $100 When the victim discovered he had actually bought a piece of a deodorant soap bar, Baker and two other people hit him, kicked him, robbed about $800 from him, stole his cell phone and threw him out of his trailer.

Former All-Star Pitcher Jim Bibby Dies

Former All-Star pitcher Jim Bibby, who started for the Pirates in Game 7 of the 1979 World Series -- the last time Pittsburgh won a World Series championship -- died Tuesday night at age 65. A close family friend told the Lynchburg News & Advance in Virginia that Bibby, a longtime resident of nearby Madison Heights, Va., died of undisclosed causes at about 9 p.m. ET at Lynchburg General Hospital. He is survived by his wife, Jacqueline, and two daughters, Tamara Bibby and Tanya McClain. "All of us at the Pittsburgh Pirates are deeply saddened by the passing of Jim Bibby," Pirates president Frank Coonelly said in a team release. "Jim was a well-respected member of the Pirates family, both as a player and a coach. For more on this story, you can go to the Pirates Web site .

Party Honors UPB's 'Brand Champions'

The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford on Wednesday celebrated faculty and staff who “go beyond” and chose winners among the student body who submitted homemade Pitt-Bradford videos. At the 4th annual Go Beyond Brand Party, the Athletic Training and Sports Medicine programs, under the direction of Jason Honeck and Mark Kelley, and the Admissions Office, directed by Alexander Nazemetz, were honored as this year’s Brand Champions. Selected by Dr. Livingston Alexander, Pitt-Bradford’s president, the Brand Champions are those people who best outwardly live the university’s brand promise, which includes providing a safe, friendly and personalized campus environment. The athletic training and sports medicine programs were recognized for several reasons: The athletic training program received five-year accreditation during its first accreditation visit, which is usually unheard of for brand new programs; athletic training graduates get very high passing rates on the boards and very high ret...

Vonn Gets Gold

Lindsey Vonn wins first-ever U.S. women's downhill gold at Winter Olympics.

Rendell: ARRA Having Profound Impact

Harrisburg – The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has significantly benefitted Pennsylvania and its residents by putting people to work and stimulating economic growth, Governor Edward G. Rendell said today during two events marking the first anniversary of the Recovery Act. "It’s bad enough that 4,300 Pennsylvanians lost their jobs last fall, but there is absolutely no dispute that without Recovery funds, three times the number of families would have suffered a loss of income," Governor Rendell said during a town hall meeting at Shippensburg University that was linked by live videoconference to hundreds of students, faculty and community leaders at the University of Pittsburgh and state universities at East Stroudsburg, Kutztown, West Chester, and Edinboro. He noted that Pennsylvania lost 77,000 jobs in the first quarter of 2009, before Recovery Act funding was available. "The stimulus bill included a critical infusion of federal funds that helped nearly every sta...

Report Ranks Health of Counties

A new report has been released that tells people how healthy their county is and, well, McKean County didn't fare that well. The report from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation breaks down county-by-county health data in all 50 states. The least healthy county in Pennsylvania, based on both health factors and health outcomes, is Philadelphia. Healthy areas include most of the Philadelphia suburbs and Centre County. As for McKean County? 51st out of 67 counties. Joining McKean in the bottom half of the list are Elk, Forest, Venango, Clearfield and Cameron counties. Warren County ranked highest of all the Pennsylvania counties in the region at number 13. Jefferson County is 20th; Tioga, 22nd; and Potter 24th. In New York, Cattaraugus County ranks 56th out of 62 counties. Chautauqua County is 42nd and Allegany County 52nd. For more information go to

Paterson Criticizes New York Times

New York Governor David Paterson is criticizing a New York Times report about an aide who has become an adviser and "trusted friend" despite two drug arrests when he was a teenager and unsubstaniated reports of domestic violence. In a statement on the governor's Web site, Paterson says he hired David Johnson as a Senate intern as part of an effort to help young people caught in Harlem's crack epidemic. Today's Times story says Johnson pleaded guilty to a felony of attempted drug sale and got probation. "Mistakes committed during one's youth are determined by law to be kept sealed for a reason – to give a young person a second chance at a productive life," Paterson's statement says. A Times spokeswoman says the newspaper's story is accurate and fair. Read Paterson's complete statement here .

Freight Train Hits Car in Pomfret

A freight train pushed a car more than a mile after it got lodged on tracks in the Town of Pomfret in Chautauqua County late last night. Police say 38-year-old James Spiller of Dunkirk was driving across the railroad tracks when his car went off the shoulder of the crossing and got stuck. Spiller got out of the car and called 911 in an attempt to have train traffic stopped, but a CSX train with three engines and 36 cars that weighed nearly 7,700 tons hit the car. The train, which was traveling at 60 miles per hour, had minor damage to its snowplow and front stairs. Spiller was cited for moving from a lane unsafely and obstructing a railroad crossing.

Gabler to Host Town Hall Meetings

HARRISBURG - State Rep. Matt Gabler (R-Clearfield/Elk) has scheduled a series of town hall meetings throughout the 75th Legislative District. "These town hall meetings are opportunities for constituents to have their questions answered and concerns addressed," said Gabler. "Budget season is upon us again, and I am hopeful the people of Clearfield and Elk counties will come out to voice their opinions on the issues in these difficult financial times, as well as any other state issues they want to discuss." Gabler's town hall meetings all begin at 7 p.m. on the following dates: · Thursday, Feb. 25, Ridgway Area High School, 1403 Hill Street, Ridgway. · Thursday, March 4, St. Marys Elementary School, 370 South St. Marys Street, St. Marys. · Thursday, March 11, Johnsonburg Fire Hall, 99 Clarion Road, Johnsonburg. · Thursday, March 18, DuBois Area High School, 425 Orient Avenue, DuBois. For the latest legislative information from Gabler...

Keystone Research Center Says
Recovery Act Has Saved Jobs in PA

HARRISBURG – Since the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act was signed into law one year ago today, tens of thousands of jobs have been saved across Pennsylvania, slowing the downward spiral of the worst recession in decades. “Our elected leaders took decisive steps one year ago today to shore up an economy in free fall like no other time since the Great Depression,” said Stephen Herzenberg, Ph.D., an Economist and Executive Director of the Keystone Research Center. “Absent that action, unemployment today could easily be 15% on its way to 20%, and we’d find ourselves in the grips of another Depression.” In Pennsylvania, the success of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act is clear. It has preserved 84,000 Pennsylvania jobs, according to a report from the President’s Council of Economic Advisers. Extended unemployment and food stamp benefits have kept Pennsylvanians who lost their jobs from losing everything. Those benefits, coupled with the Making Work Pay tax cut, put money b...

Causer Law Names Roads, Bridges

HARRISBURG - A new law authored by Rep. Martin Causer (R-Turtlepoint) provides much-deserved recognition to area veterans by naming a road and three bridges in their honor. "Naming a bridge or highway after a veteran or group of veterans is a great way to remember their contributions as well as the contributions of every soldier, sailor, airman and marine who have sacrificed much for our community and our country," Causer said. "Every time a driver uses that bridge or drives that roadway, they are reminded of the brave men and women who work to protect our safety and our freedoms." The law makes the following designations: · The bridge on U.S. Route 6 over the Allegheny River in Liberty Township, McKean County becomes the Lt. Colonel Richard J. Berrettini Memorial Bridge. Berrettini, a Port Allegany High School nurse, died in January 2008 from injuries he suffered in Afghanistan while serving with the Pennsylvania Army National Guard. · The bridge on U...

Elk Test Negative for CWD

HARRISBURG – Samples taken from the 43 hunter-killed elk during the state’s 2009 hunting season have all tested negative for chronic wasting disease (CWD), according to Dr. Walt Cottrell, the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s wildlife veterinarian. Samples also tested negative for brucellosis and tuberculosis. Cottrell noted that the Game Commission still is awaiting the results of CWD testing for the hunter-killed deer samples collected during the 2009 rifle deer season. “Currently, there are no confirmed or suspected cases of CWD-infected deer or elk in Pennsylvania,” Cottrell said. “Conducting these tests on hunter-killed deer and elk is one part of the Game Commission’s ongoing efforts to monitor wild deer and elk populations for the presence of CWD. “We obviously need to keep a watchful eye on our wild and captive deer and elk. Working closely with the state Department of Agriculture and other agency representatives on the state’s CWD Task Force, we hope to protect our state’s w...

Appeals Court Reviewing Rigas Case

A federal appeals court is reviewing the case of Adelphia Communications founder John Rigas and his son to see if they can face a second federal fraud trial, this time in Pennsylvania. Lawyers for John and Timothy Rigas will argue that a second trial in Pennsylvania amounts to double jeopardy. John Rigas is serving a 12-year prison term and Timothy Rigas a 17-year term after convictions in New York for defrauding Adelphia. Prosecutors say they used the Coudersport-based company like a piggy bank. A 3rd Circuit panel had sided 2-1 with the Rigases' double-jeopardy claims and ordered a lower-court review. The full panel is rehearing the issue at prosecutors' request.

Sex Offender Sent to Jail

A former Olean man has been sentenced to nine months in jail for failing to report his status as a sex offender. 22-year-old Jason Donovan also violated his probation by failing to engage in treatment. The original conviction was in Chautauqua County for having sexual contact with a person younger than 17.

Clarendon Man Facing Sex Charges

A Clarendon man is facing charges for allegedly having sex with two underage girls last summer and fall. Police charged 20-year-old Tyler Depto with two counts each of statutory sexual assault and indecent sexual assault. The alleged incidents happened in Mead and Sheffield townships. Depto also was charged with harassment after texting a lewd message to another minor.

Classes to Resume at UB

Classes will resume as usual today at the University at Buffalo's North Campus after a reported sighting of a gunman cancelled of Tuesday evening classes. UB Police completed their search of the Lockwood Library and found nothing.

'Unstoppable' in Port Allegany

I noticed that someone came here searching for "Port Allegany on YouTube." I don't know if this is what you were looking for, but it is pretty cool. At any rate, just go to and search for Port Allegany and maybe you'll find what you are looking for if this isn't it.

Chautauqua County Guide Available

Mayville, NY -- Chautauqua County Executive Gregory J. Edwards and Chautauqua County Visitors Bureau Executive Director Andrew Nixon have announced that over 200,000 copies of the 2010 Chautauqua County Visitors Guide are now available. "The 2010 Chautauqua County Visitors Guide offers plenty of useful information for both visitors and County residents alike," Edwards said. "Each year, I find information on new and exciting things to do with my family in the guide." Both Edwards and Nixon said the guide is used by thousands of visitors to the area as they plan their trips to Chautauqua County. The 80-page guide includes information on dozens of area attractions and comes with several informative maps. Nixon said this year, especially when a lot of advertising budgets are reduced, it is important to have the guide visible as a resource for visitors - the more they see, the more likely they will be to spend some time here. Guides are very useful for: People relocating...

Possible Gunman at UB

Unconfirmed reports say a gunman is in a library on the University of Buffalo North Campus. The UB Web site carries this message: "UB Police have evacuated Lockwood Library on the North Campus. Please stay away until further notice."

Novelist to Read From Work at UPB

Writer Sherrie Flick, who recently published her debut novel about a 23-year-old woman who embarks on a road trip to escape one life and build another, will read selections her work Feb. 23 at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford. Part of the university’s Spectrum Series, the event starts at 7:30 p.m. in the Bromeley Family Theater of Blaisdell Hall. A question-and-answer session, book signing and reception will follow. The program is free and open to the public. “Sherrie is a master of flash fiction, with short-short stories in anthologies and journals, and it’s interesting to see how someone who normally writes in a spare, witty form translates that to a novel form,” said Nancy McCabe, director of the writing program at Pitt-Bradford. “She has a lot of insight not just as a writer, but as someone who has made her living as a freelance writer and arts administrator; I like to bring writers who have taken different life paths so our students get an idea of their range of options.” ...

Cops: Man Punched Mother's Head

A Lakewood, New York, man is in jail for allegedly punching his mother in the head this morning. Police say 25-year-old Nicholas Taylor went to his mother's house at around 3 a.m. and punched her several times before she was able to escape and call the police from a neighbor's house. Taylor had already been ordered by a judge to stay away from his mother. This morning, he was arrested on charges of burglary, harassment and criminal contempt.

More Copper Wire Stolen

More copper wire has been stolen from Penelec. This time, about 23 spans of wire were taken from a site along Route 46 starting at Bordell Cross Road to the area of the Keating/Otto Township line. The spans are about 250 feet each. The thieves cut the copper wire from utility poles then fled the scene. The incident happened sometime between February 6 and 1:20 Saturday afternoon.

Not Guilty Pleas in Catt County Court

A Conewango Valley, New York, man has pleaded not guilty to burglary and peitit larceny charges. 39-year-old William Chadwick was indicted by a grand jury who found that between August 1 and August 2 in the Town of Randolph he and 34-year-old David Dorman broke into a building on Route 394, stole a welder and $100. A Chaffee, New York, man has pleaded not guilty to burglary charges. 18-year-old Aaron Ludwig is accused of breaking into a house in the Town of Machias on May 29, and stealing guns, a cooler and liquor. Both matters have been adjourned for motions.

'Rearranging' Womanhouse

In 1972, artist Judy Chicago and a team of students from the California Institute of the Arts Feminist Art Program restored an abandoned mansion in Hollywood. This became “Womanhouse”: a three dimensional canvas for the first ever exhibit of feminist art. Fredonia students are revisiting Judy Chicago’s theme with a few changes of their own. Led by senior art history Major Kaitlen Gillis, the exhibit is set to open March 6th 2010 - April 2nd 2010 at the Adam’s Art Gallery. Hours will be Fridays 4-7pm and Saturdays 12-4pm throughout the month additional hours may be posted on the website . The exhibit pays homage to Chicago’s original installation while expanding into something contemporary. Some of the “Rearranging Womanhouse” projects include a garden made of recycled garbage, and a space called the “womb room”. This exhibit is an opportunity for the Dunkirk/Fredonia community to show their support for the SUNY Fredonia students and the wonderful programs offer...

SBU's School of Business Earns Grant for
Global Awareness Proposal

St. Bonaventure University’s School of Business was named one of 15 recipients of a national grant sponsored by the PricewaterhouseCoopers Charitable Foundation, Inc. Accounting professor Dr. Carol Fischer, along with co-applicants Dr. Joe Coate and Dr. Susan Anders, submitted the proposal, “Enhancing Global Awareness and Professionalism in Accounting Majors,” to PwC, a section 501(c)(3) public charity as part of the 2009 IFRS Ready Grant Program. “The ‘call for proposals’ came out early in the fall 2009 semester, but the accounting department had been discussing how to integrate international issues in the curriculum for quite a bit longer than that,” she said. “In fact, we had just agreed at a meeting at the end of the spring 2009 semester to increase our international coverage in the financial accounting courses beginning in fall 2009.” Fischer said the program is meant to incorporate international accounting topics across the curriculum. Fischer said she plans to work with Dr. Jo...

Peregine Falcons Will be Tweeting

HARRISBURG -- Although the Peregrine falcons that have nested atop Harrisburg’s Rachel Carson State Office Building for most of the past decade aren’t known for “tweeting,” fans of the pair will be able to follow their story this year on Twitter. Use of the popular social networking site is in addition to the annual online video stream that went live today on the Department of Environmental Protection’s Web site. Many fans questioned whether the pair would mate this year after the male was tardy in his return, but the allure of being with his partner this Valentine’s Day proved too great, according to DEP’s environmental education director Jack Farster. “We were concerned that this year’s nesting season might be in jeopardy when we had not seen the male Peregrine falcon at the nest in several weeks,” said Farster. “Just in time for Valentine’s Day, though, he returned to the nest on Feb. 4, so we’re optimistic the pair will soon produce yet another round of offspring.” Fans can follow ...

Two Teen Wrestlers Facing Charges

Two teenagers have been charged following a reported hazing incident on a Franklinville Central School bus last month. State Police have charged a 16-year-old and 19-year-old student with harassment. The 16-year-old is also charged with misdemeanor forcible touching. The bus was returning from a wrestling match in the Panama Central School District in Chautauqua County on January 22 when the alleged incident occured. Four wrestlers were suspended after a junior varsity wrestler reported the incident. Coaches were on the bus but said they weren't aware anything out of the ordinary was happening. Both teens are expected to be arraigned in Town of Ellicott Court later this month.

Four to be Honored with Gaudete Medals

Four people who’ve made Rochester a better place to live will be honored April 29 at St. Bonaventure University’s Gaudete Medal and Awards Ceremony at the Riverside Convention Center. Being awarded the university’s highest honor are M&T Bank executive vice president Brian Hickey and Unity Health Systems therapist Jean Hickey (the Hickeys are married); medical pioneer Dr. Wende Logan-Young; and Saint’s Place founder and director Colleen Knauf. St. Bonaventure’s Gaudete (gow-DAY-tay) Medal honors business and community leaders who exemplify the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi through their joy, hope, positive outlook on life, sincerely compassionate spirit and desire to serve humankind. Recipients of the Gaudete, which means “Rejoice!” in Latin, have inspired, encouraged and enlightened others through their personal and professional lives. For more information on Gaudete event sponsorships and individual tickets, contact Anne George at or 716-375-4085. Cocktails begi...

Thrown Beer Bottle Breaks Windshield

State police are looking for the person who threw a beer bottle at a PennDOT snow plow Monday night and damaged the windshield. They say 37-year-old Timothy Elliott of Mount Jewett was driving the truck on Halsey Road, about a mile and a half west of Campbelltown Road in Sergeant Township, at about 9:15 Monday night when someone in a pickup truck going in the opposite direction threw the bottle. Damage is estimated at $500. The pickup is an older model, regular cab Chevy with two-tone paint -- dark on top, and light or white on the bottom. Anyone with information on this incident is asked to contact Kane-based state police.

This Week's Big 30 Selections

Pennsylvania Luke Ditzler, Coudersport High School 5’11” 195lbs. Center and Defensive Tackle/End Luke plans on attending Thiel or Allegheny College majoring in Pre-Physical Therapy while participating in football. He plans on attending graduate school to obtain his doctorate in Physical Therapy. Luke’s awards include; Commitment Award, The Updegraff Award for Outstanding Lineman of the year. He also landed a spot on the Allegheny Mountain League All Stars. Luke’s biggest thrill was playing in the District 9 finals in Brockway. Jimmy Grove, Bradford Area High School 6’1” 215lbs. Guard/Fullback , Linebacker Jimmy will be attending Edinboro University on a football scholarship and plans on majoring in Physical Therapy. Jimmy’s honors include: Times Herald Big 30 Team, Times Herald Big 30 Offensive Lineman of the Year, District 10 Region 6 First Team Offensive Guard and First Team Defensive End. Jimmy’s biggest thrill while playing was being named Big 30 Li...

Calls for Reform of PA Beer Sales Laws

At a rally today at the State Capitol, Senator John Rafferty of Berks, Chester and Montgomery counties joined consumers, grocery and convenience store owners and others who say it is time for Pennsylvania to join 46 other states in reforming its beer sales laws. Rafferty has introduced legislation that would provide consumers with greater convenience in purchasing beer and at the same time strengthen enforcement of beer sales laws. "It's time for Pennsylvania to move from an antiquated and unsafe system to one that is modern, safer and customer-friendly," Rafferty said. "Consumers should not be forced to purchases cases or kegs of beer if they desire a lesser amount. This proposal has overwhelming public support, and it will also help to crack down on underage beer sales through tougher enforcement." Rafferty's bill would allow consumers to purchases six-packs in grocery and conveniences stores as well as at distributors. It would also require 100 percent...

Guilty Pleas for ANF Brine Water Dumping

Two men from a Kansas oil drilling firm have pleaded guilty to illegally dumping 200,000 gallons of brine water down an abandoned well in the Allegheny National Forest. The brine water dumped by Swamp Angel could contaminate groundwater and streams, though authorities have not linked any water damage conclusively to the pollution. 54-year-old John Morgan of Sheffield and 66-year-old Michael Evans from the state of California each face up to three years in prison when they're sentenced on June 24. Evans is part owner of Swamp Angel. Morgan was the company's site supervisor. Prosecutors say this case is meant to send a message to oil and gas drillers to properly dispose of brine.

FAW Announces New Board President

The Warren-based non-profit organization Friends of Allegheny Wilderness (FAW) is announcing a new President for their Board of Directors. Bob Stoudt has been involved with FAW since January of 2002, not long after the organization¹s establishment. His ties to the Allegheny National Forest (ANF) region go back to the time of his grandparents. FAW seeks to ensure that increased wilderness protection is a priority of the stewardship of the ANF. Currently only about 9,000 acres ­ less than two percent ­ of the forest¹s 513,300 acres are designated wilderness. During the Forest Service¹s recently completed Forest Plan revision, more than 6,800 of 8,200 respondents provided public comment specifically in support of FAW and their Citizens¹ Wilderness Proposal for Pennsylvania¹s Allegheny National Forest. Four generations of Stoudt¹s family have spent time at their Elk County cabin hunting, fishing, hiking, canoeing, camping, mountain biking and simply enjoying the beauty of the national f...

Man Jailed for Attempted Bar Break-In

A Force, PA, man is in jail after allegedly attempting to break into an Elk County bar Monday night. Police say 19-year-old Matthew Dunshie was seen trying to gain forcible entry into the Elk Back Bar on Route 255 in Jay Township at around 11:45 Monday night. He was arrested for criminal attempt at burglary and sent to Elk County Jail in lieu of $10,000 bail.

Erie Woman Dies at Allegany State Park

An Erie woman died whilte tubing at Allegany State Park with her family on Sunday. 33-year-old Tricia Lewis was tubing down a hill at the park when she crashed into a tree. She was able to toss her 3-year-old son off the tube before hitting the tree. Witnesses administered first aid at the scene before Lewis was taken to Olean General Hospital, where she died from her injuries. Park police have temporarily closed the hill where Lewis had been tubing.

Bucs in Bradenton

More than half of the 66 expected players are already here throwing, working out and taking batting practice. The first official workout for pitchers and catchers is scheduled for noon on Thursday. Temperatures today were in the mid-40’s this morning and it’s expected to be 53 today. After another cool morning Wednesday, it’s supposed to warm up to the 60’s later in the week. From Jim Trdinich, Pittsburgh Pirates