Open Arms Hosting 'Darkness to Light'

This Thursday, April 3rd at 5:30p.m-8:00p.m, Open Arms Community Church will be hosting Darkness to Light, Stewards of Children, brought to you by The Olean-Bradford YMCA and The McKean County Collaborative Board. The training will be held at the church which is located at 1289 East Main Street, in Bradford, PA. This is a one time, 2-hour evidence-informed training program that teaches adults how to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. The program is designed for parents, youth serving organizations, and other concerned individuals. “As a representative of Open Arms Community Church, I speak for all of us, we are excited to host this event and bring awareness to our community. We hope that as organizations and adults who care about children, you will join us in confronting this epidemic.” says Assistant Pastor Justin Willoughby. Open Arms Community Church desires to produce transformed lives by addressing spiritual needs, health, finances, education, and...