Investigation into Friday Fire Continues

The investigation continues into the Friday night fire that left five young Bradford children and a woman homeless. State Police fire marshal Greg Agosti says the blaze started on the cook top of the kitchen stove, but they are still investigating the cause, as well the welfare of the children, ages 1 through 7. The fire at 7 South Center Street was reported by a neighbor at just before 8 p.m. Another neighbor saw smoke, went inside the apartment and found an unattended 4-year-old girl sleeping on the living room couch. The little girl was rescued and was not hurt. 32-year-old Susan Hassek, who lived in the apartment, was not home at the time. Damage is estimated at $92,000. Hassek did not have renter’s insurance. The apartment is owned by the Bradford City Housing Authority. The news leader of the Twin Tiers ... since 1947