UWBA Day of Action Set for June 21

The longest day of the year will be an impactful one as well, with the United Way of the Bradford Area’s 4th Annual Live United Day of Action scheduled for Saturday, June 21st. The event, sponsored by American Refining Group and the Philo and Sarah Blaisdell Foundation, will focus on providing an interactive learning experience for young children by installing a Born Learning trail at Callahan Park. The trail will consist of 10 (12” by 24”) aluminum signs, placed throughout the park, and printed with engaging, early learning activities. Shapes, letters, and a 12’ hopscotch court will adorn the park’s sidewalks, which correspond with the signs’ activities. Although geared toward children up to age five, the trail also serves as a tool to help parents and caregivers find simple, yet clever ways, to incorporate education into a child’s daily life, beginning at the earliest possible stages. “I am excited for our organization to be able to offer this to our local community,” said Execut...