Scarnati: Small Games of Chance
Reporting Requirement Delayed

The Small Games of Chance reporting requirement for local clubs and organizations has been delayed until 2015, according to Senator Joe Scarnati (R-25). Scarnati explained that The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue has announced that Club licensees and eligible organizations will not be required to submit electronic annual reports to the Department by February 1, 2014. “I am pleased that the Department of Revenue has recognized the need to allow local organizations more time to learn the updated reporting requirements,” Scarnati stated. “Delaying reporting requirements at this time will allow our small nonprofit organizations to be able to focus more on their charitable missions and services.” Scarnati said that in November, legislation making changes to the Small Games of Chance Law was passed by the General Assembly and signed by the Governor. The updates took a significant step to raise the thresholds for reporting requirements, while also allowing organizations to keep more ...