Quick Arts Center, Fourth-Graders
Team Up to Aid Olean Soup Kitchen

There may never be a better opportunity to acquire affordable artwork than at Monday’s silent art auction at St. Bonaventure University’s Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts. The minimum bid for any of the approximately 50 pieces is just $5, and a “buy it now” bid of $25 will secure any artist’s work. But most pieces will go for more than the minimum and some for more than $25 as bidders find themselves moved more by the tug at their hearts than the pull on their wallets. Monday’s Art From The Heart silent auction at the Quick Center, which begins at 6:30 p.m. and is open to the public, continues a collaboration between the arts center and area elementary schools. It’s a partnership that uses arts education as a vehicle for helping fourth-graders make a difference in the lives of others. The auction will feature art created by fourth-graders at Olean’s East View Elementary School, as well as some works of St. Bonaventure students who have been involved in the project. Winning bidders w...