Vintage Snowmobile Bill Becomes Law

DUBOIS – Gov. Tom Corbett has signed into law House Bill 2151, legislation authored by state Rep. Matt Gabler (R-Clearfield/Elk) which amends Pennsylvania’s Vehicle Code to create a reduced-cost permit for the limited use of vintage snowmobiles. “The Pennsylvania State Snowmobile Association has pursued this legislation for a number of years, and I’m glad to finally be able to get this accomplished for them,” Gabler said. “This will be a great benefit to the many long-time outdoor enthusiasts around the state who have enjoyed this sport for many years.” House Bill 2151 authorizes the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) to issue $20 permits for vintage snowmobiles, vehicles which are at least 25 years old and are operated only while participating in a “vintage snowmobile event.” Once the permit is issued, the owner of the vintage snowmobile is exempt from registration and liability insurance requirements. “Many people own vintage snowmobiles and rarely run them, and...