Bradford Library Has New Director

The Bradford Area Public Library has named Guy Bennett as executive director of the library. The appointment becomes effective September 19, 2013. “We are thrilled that Mr. Bennett accepted our employment offer,” stated Chris Minich, chairwoman of Governance and Human Resources. “We began a diligent process early in 2013, defining the leadership role for the library and conducted a broad search. After reviewing 14 interested applicants, the search was narrowed to three individuals.” Bennett is leaving the post of Manager of Library Services at Bryant and Stratton. He earned his Master Degree of Library Science from SUNY Buffalo, after receiving his Bachelor of Science degree from Houghton College. He is a member of American Library Association, New York Library Association, and Western New York Library Resource Council. Board member Jeannine Schoenecker remarked, “Guy has 14 years of diverse library experience. We are confident in his ability to lead our library and staff towar...