Congressman Thompson:
It's Time for President to Appove Keystone XL

Washington, D.C. - U.S. Representative Glenn 'GT' Thompson (PA-5) today released the following statement regarding his vote in favor of H.R. 3, a measure approving the Keystone XL Pipeline Project. The legislation passed the House by 266 to 153. "Today, the House passed legislation approving the Keystone XL Pipeline with broad bipartisan support. This is an energy and infrastructure project that over its lifespan will inject billions into the U.S. economy,” stated Rep. Thompson. “Despite bipartisan support, the President has announced his intention to veto this common sense proposal.” “It’s been 2,303 days and counting since the Keystone XL pipeline was first submitted to the State Department for approval. Since then, the project has been found it to be environmentally sound and a certified job creator, including contracts for Pennsylvania based firms. It is time for President Obama to set aside politics and act in the best interest of the country by allowing thi...