Local Family Promotes Early Identification and Treatment for Children with Disabilities

When Eric and Jenny Taylor of Bradford were told that their child was born with Down syndrome, their initial fear quickly turned to ambition. Ambition to ensure that their son would have the best care and services available to him, but also the drive to promote local services for children with disabilities. Down syndrome is a genetic condition that causes delays in physical and cognitive development. According to the National Down Syndrome Association, the condition occurs in one in every 691 live births. “When you’re told that your child will have a disability, you ultimately feel overwhelmed,” said Mr. Taylor. “I remember asking if our county even had an Early Intervention system, and then that settled feeling when we were assured of the services our son would receive without having to leave the area.” Eric Preston Taylor, or Preston as he goes by, is now six months old and has been receiving occupational therapy, physical therapy and special instruction through CARE for Ch...