Several Issues Addressed During
Loud City Council Meeting

To hear a recording of the meeting, go to , click on the "local programs tab, and scroll to "Bradford City Council 4-14-15. A group of rude and unruly people – some from the townships – disrupted Tuesday’s Bradford City Council meeting to the point where Mayor Tom Riel threatened to adjourn the meeting early. While the eight or so were loud enough that council and the media had to ask them to quiet down, the rest of the standing-room-only crowd was polite and respectful. The antics came about when council was asked about several issues including business privilege tax, a proposed storm water fee and the crime rate. Mayoral candidate Paul Berg, who seemed to be making statement rather than asking a question, wanted to know why General Electric (parent company of Dresser’s) does not pay a business privilege tax. Riel and City Solicitor Mark Hollenbeck tried to explain that the Interstate Commerce Clause precludes them from paying it. Riel also added that t...