Bradford City Council Meets
The former Third Ward School property will soon be home to several townhouses. CBI I is buying the site for 40 thousand dollars. O-E-C-D Executive Director Sara Andrews says the city has been talking with Nick Cummins for several months about his plan to build 10 market-priced homes on the site.
Elm Street Manager Lisa Campogiani reminded council members that the Elm Street Cleanup Day - as part of Clean Sweep PA -- starts at 10 a.m. April 26. The headquarters is Grace Lutheran Church. She also said the Elm Street Neighborhood will be participating in the National Night Out on August 5. She explained that it's a time for people to tell everyone "they're not going to stand for crime" in their

City Parks Director Chip Comilla and Councilman Rick Benton accepted a new flag from Norm Geist of Disabled American Veterans Chapter 72. The flag will be flown in Veterans Square.
Bradford resident Jim Kinney thanked Mayor Tom Riel and Police Chief Mike Close for curbing the drug problem in Bradford, especially among young people. Riel said numerous people are responsible for the improvement, including the police department, school resource officer and the drug task force. Riel also noted the overwhelming public response to the web site,, where people can leave anonymous tips.
Elm Street Manager Lisa Campogiani reminded council members that the Elm Street Cleanup Day - as part of Clean Sweep PA -- starts at 10 a.m. April 26. The headquarters is Grace Lutheran Church. She also said the Elm Street Neighborhood will be participating in the National Night Out on August 5. She explained that it's a time for people to tell everyone "they're not going to stand for crime" in their
City Parks Director Chip Comilla and Councilman Rick Benton accepted a new flag from Norm Geist of Disabled American Veterans Chapter 72. The flag will be flown in Veterans Square.
Bradford resident Jim Kinney thanked Mayor Tom Riel and Police Chief Mike Close for curbing the drug problem in Bradford, especially among young people. Riel said numerous people are responsible for the improvement, including the police department, school resource officer and the drug task force. Riel also noted the overwhelming public response to the web site,, where people can leave anonymous tips.