University of Pittsburgh at Bradford sophomore Eamon Kelley has been awarded a $7,000 scholarship to assist him in covering the expenses of taking part in “Semester at Sea” in the fall. Kelley, a sport and recreation management major from Harrisburg, received the Pitt-Bradford/Semester at Sea Augmentation Scholarship from the Institute for Shipboard Education at the University of Virginia. Kelley and his fellow 700 student shipmates plus a cohort of faculty, staff, dependents and crew, will depart the Bahamas on the M.V. Explorer on Aug. 29. While at sea, students will take classes and earn 12 course credits from the University of Virginia. Stops on the voyage include Brazil, Namibia, South Africa, India, Malaysia, Vietnam, China (both Hong Kong and Shanghai), Japan, Costa Rica and Hawaii. Kelley is the son of Brett Kelley of Harrisburg and Karen Kelley of Gettysburg.