Upcoming LiveLines:
Monday, June 16 - The Red Cross Strawberries on Wheels Festival. The McKean Potter Counties Chapter of the American Red Cross is taking over the popular strawberry festival, and now it's a fundraiser for Meals on Wheels. We'll be talking about the festival, Meals on Wheels and I'm sure Jason Bange will have even more to talk about. There's always something happening at the Red Cross.
Tuesday, June 17 - Author Christie Mellor will be talking about her book Were You Raised by Wolves?. "... let's all of us embrace our adulthood, shall we? If your mother still chews your food for you and your dad still fills your gas tank, it's time to put on those big boy pants and jump into the deep end of the pool where the grown-ups swim."
Wednesday, June 18 - Lunch in the Square! Weather permitting, Scott Douglas and I will be broadcasting live from Veterans Square. I hope the weather permits, because the Red Cross will be selling those yummy strawberry shortcakes. More traditional lunch fare will be available, too.
Thursday, June 19 - Our friends from the American Cancer Society will be stopping by -- with a cancer survivor -- to talk about the 14th annual Relay for Life that starts at 3 p.m. Friday at Callahan Park.
You can hear the LiveLine at 12:40 p.m. on 1490 WESB.
Tuesday, June 17 - Author Christie Mellor will be talking about her book Were You Raised by Wolves?. "... let's all of us embrace our adulthood, shall we? If your mother still chews your food for you and your dad still fills your gas tank, it's time to put on those big boy pants and jump into the deep end of the pool where the grown-ups swim."
Wednesday, June 18 - Lunch in the Square! Weather permitting, Scott Douglas and I will be broadcasting live from Veterans Square. I hope the weather permits, because the Red Cross will be selling those yummy strawberry shortcakes. More traditional lunch fare will be available, too.

You can hear the LiveLine at 12:40 p.m. on 1490 WESB.