Flag Furor in Warren

Another flag controversy is brewing in the region – this time in Warren. Warren resident Frank Grimmer and four other volunteers put flags on utility poles prior to the city's Fourth of July celebration. But within the last couple of weeks the city received numerous complaints about the poor condition of the flags. City Manager Jim Nelles had the flags taken down because he didn't want people thinking the desecrated flags belonged to the city. Grimmer says he's going to put more flags up, but Nelles says he hasn't gone to through the proper channels and will have Grimmer arrested for defiant trespass. The utility poles are owned by Penelec and used by the city with the utility company's permission. The city has told Grimmer he has to write a letter asking if he can put the flags up, but Grimmer says he plans to write a letter asking why he has to write a letter. He plans on replacing the flags tonight.


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