United Way Appeal Starts Friday

The fundraising drive begins today and will continue over the next four months, with the goal of raising $375,000 to benefit local agencies and programs.
“The monetary goal is one that is attainable,” says Board Vice President John Peterson, “however, it will require a total commitment of everyone: the Executive Director, the Assistant Director, all board members and the entire community.”
The 15-member chair team will front the collaborative effort with the expectations that the needs of the local agencies are programs are met.
“This was the right opportunity to put these individuals at the helm,” said Assistant Director Mandi Wilton Davis. “We’re confident in their abilities, as they are ours, and we’re looking forward to the success to come.”
The 2008 local campaign theme is “We ALL Win,” which Davis says was also a perfect fit.
“With this theme, we’re again able to showcase the impact that is being made on our local community via the funded agencies and programs, as well as emphasize the notion that good things come when we all work together.”
“We as board members see the results first hand in our community, now we have the chance to make it happen,” says Mary Ann Quinn.
The local staff and volunteers will spend the next few months soliciting the community for its continued support, especially via the workplace campaign presentations.
“The payroll deduction option is specific to the United Way,” explains Executive Director Kristen Luther, “and we find that it is truly a driving force behind the success of the fundraising efforts.”
The close of the appeal will be December 15, but work continues for a couple of months after to ensure that all avenues have been met and all pledges are accounted for.
“The support of the local community is needed now more than ever,” says Board Treasurer Vonda Reese. “We, as board members, pledge to be proper stewards of your donation dollars and feel by living the ‘united’ way, we can all truly win.”
Aside from the task of meeting the established monetary goal, UWBA personnel are in the midst of finalizing plans for the upcoming kick-off event, the Pig Roast/Clam Bake, which is scheduled for September 4th at the West Branch Community Center. Reservations are currently being taken on the United Way of the Bradford Area’s website.
Returning after a successful first year will be the soup lunch, and new to this year’s special events efforts will be the sale of the first United Way cookbook, as well as Christmas cards, with more information to come soon.
For a complete list of agencies and programs currently benefiting from United Way funding, visit the website at www.uwbanews.org.
“For me personally, I think of this honor of chairing this year’s campaign as a way to say ‘thank you’ to our community and its efforts,” says Reese. “Now we’re again inviting you to join our collaborative efforts in making this year’s campaign a success!”
For more information on the United Way of the Bradford Area, contact the office or visit the website.
(In the photo, courtesy of the United Way, Bob Marasco, UWBA Board President and John Peterson, UWBA Vice President prepare the goal thermometers for the start of the 2008 campaign, which officially gets underway Friday, August 15th. The 2008 campaign is being led by the UWBA Board of Directors.)