'Sprawlification' at Pitt-Bradford

There will be three to four pieces that are fixed to the wall with a small amount of joint compound, so the pieces appear seamlessly attached.
On the floor of the gallery there will be a sprawling city made up of 300 slip-cast ceramic objects about 6 inches high.
As part of the opening Friday, Beck will talk about the concepts behind his installation, highlighting domestic architecture and urban and suburban planning. The talk will take place from noon to 12:30 p.m. Friday in the Webb/Bradford Forest Rehearsal Hall in Blaisdell Hall, followed by a reception in the KOA Electronics Lobby.
Kong Ho, associate professor of art and director of the interdisciplinary arts program at Pitt-Bradford, said there’s more to the installation than meets the eye.
“Dylan’s installation is more than a sculpture exhibition in term of concept, materials and display,” he said. “He has made up the word ‘Sprawlification’ for the title of his exhibition to highlight the concept of disorganized and unattractive expansion of modern urbanization and his aesthetic attraction to aerial images of suburban landscapes.”
Among materials used in the sculpture are semi-transparent color films, light boxes, insulation foam, joint compound, Sheetrock, wood, porcelain and paint.
“Even though Dylan’s art background has an emphasis on ceramics, he is fascinated in architectonic perfection, which can be seen from his installation,” Ho said.
He recently received a master’s degree in fine arts from Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia and teaches ceramics at Kansas State University. Beck also earned a bachelor’s degree from Ohio University.
The KOA Art Gallery is open from 8:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays and 8:30 a.m. until 6 p.m. Fridays. The art gallery is closed Saturdays and Sundays.
For more information about the Spectrum Series, contact Patty Colosimo, assistant director of arts programming, at (814) 362-5155.