Students Push UWBA Closer to Goal
For the second year, the fifth-graders brought in donations for a read-a-thon, and the entire student body voted in a “favorite baby picture” contest which featured all of the staff. All of the donations benefited three local organizations of the student service league’s choice, with the United Way receiving more than $1,000.
“What an absolutely wonderful way to conclude the week,” says Mandi Wilton Davis, Assistant Director. “The pie-eating contest featured Principal Sarah Tingley, the three teachers who won the photo contest, as well as a student drawn at random, and it was a blast!”
Although no person was chosen as winner of the pie-eating contest, fifth-grade teacher Keri Baldwin emphasized that the student body, as well as the organizations which received the donations, were the true winners of the week.
“I hope they are all proud of what they’ve accomplished this week, as we raised more money than in previous years,” said Baldwin. “And, I hope everyone had fun.”
“We are so appreciative of the efforts of these students and the staff,” says Davis. “It’s great to see that they are gaining an understanding and appreciation for charitable work right here in their local community.”
The donation to the United Way put them at 40% of the $375,000 campaign goal.
“Aside from the hard work and fun that was had this week, they made an impact by helping us to raise the red in our thermometers,” said Davis.
The United Way is continuing with it fundraising efforts, going into the final six weeks with a positive attitude.
“As we’ve said before, we’re very aware of what’s going on around us,” says Davis, “but, we also have seen the generosity of this local community, and are confident in the choices that those who live and work here will make the choice to give here.”
For more information on the United Way of the Bradford Area or its funded agencies, contact the office or visit the website at