Dr. Richard Frederick, a University of Pittsburgh at Bradford professor of history known for his entertaining lectures, will speak on “A Wild and Crazy Affair: Electing a President in 1800” Thursday night, Oct. 16. Frederick’s talk will begin at 7 p.m. in the Mukaiyama University Room in the Frame-Westerberg Commons. “The colorful characters I’ll be talking about include founding fathers like Adams and Jefferson and Hamilton as well as scoundrels like Aaron Burr and James T. Callender,” Frederick said. “Nothing was ever quite like this election, which is why it has engendered so much interest over the years. It has everything, from mudslinging to the first real party change in U.S. history, to a contested result that was ultimately settled in the House of Representatives.” The program is sponsored by the Friends of the Hanley Library and is free and open to the public.