Gabler Ready, Anxious to Serve

"I am honored and humbled by the people of the district who are sending me to Harrisburg," Gabler said. "I plan to hit the ground running as soon as I officially assume the title of state representative."
By state law, Gabler's term in office begins Dec. 1. His official swearing-in will take place on Jan. 6.
"Upon assuming my new office next month, my staff and I will able to serve our constituents full-time with their legislative needs such as driver's license and vehicle registration applications and renewals," Gabler stated. "After initially ceasing operations prematurely and directing constituents to call me directly with their concerns, our current state representative has decided to re-open his office and serve out his term."
Until district offices are opened and local phone numbers established, Gabler is asking his future constituents to call 1-866-901-2916 for help with state-related problems. They may also e-mail him at
"I promise to do my best to address every legislative question posed to me between now and the time I take office," added Gabler.
Gabler's time is being spent with issues such as setting up his district offices and filling staff positions. He is also continuing to live up to the pledge that got him elected.
"As a member of the U.S. Army Reserve, I know that any good plan of attack begins with plenty of listening before acting," Gabler commented. "Those skills are a key to what brought me to this point, and they will continue to be a hallmark of my service to Pennsylvania."
The 75th Legislative District is comprised of all of Elk County, in addition to the City of DuBois, the Borough of Troutville and the townships of Brady, Huston, Sandy and Union in Clearfield County.