Scarnati: No Tax Increase
WESB/WBRR News Director
Governor Ed Rendell will be meeting with legislative leaders on Tuesday to take a look at the state's fiscal crisis.
Senate President Pro Tempore and Lt. Governor Joe Scarnati says this is a chance for lawmakers to "come together as one body to try to come up with some solutions."
In a news conference following his swearing-in as lieutenant governor last week, Scarnati was asked about Rendell's plan to freeze spending and make budget cuts. He said he was glad to see that Rendell was embracing "conservative Republican" values and thinking.
Scarnati tells WESB and The HERO that he thinks that "shows the gravity of the issue … when the governor recognizes we need to make some freezes and cuts."
"There's definitely going to be pain in what we have to do," Scarnati says, "but like working families have done – balanced their budgets, and cut back and figured out how to make ends meet – Without a doubt, it's time Pennsylvania does that and does it without a tax increase."
He says he believes all four legislative caucuses are aware of the gravity of the situation.
"It's a major discussion that's going on at the Capitol and back in everyone's districts," he says.
"Nobody is certain yet what the enormity of the problem will be when we reach June," Scarnati says, "but something I think we all agree on is: We need to start addressing it now in an attempt to tighten our belts before we get into a situation that proves almost impossible to get out of."
Some experts have estimated that the budget deficit could be as much as $2 billion by the end of the fiscal year in June.
Scarnati also talked about his dual role as senator and lieutenant governor.
"First and foremost," he says, "my position as senator in the 25th District comes first."
He says the job of lieutenant governor comes with "some very large responsibilities," including chairman of the board of pardons, which he takes "very seriously."
But, he says, he "will continue to have a strong presence in the 25th District."
Scarnati will be talking about these and other issues during his next visit to the LiveLine.
WESB/WBRR News Director
Governor Ed Rendell will be meeting with legislative leaders on Tuesday to take a look at the state's fiscal crisis.
In a news conference following his swearing-in as lieutenant governor last week, Scarnati was asked about Rendell's plan to freeze spending and make budget cuts. He said he was glad to see that Rendell was embracing "conservative Republican" values and thinking.
Scarnati tells WESB and The HERO that he thinks that "shows the gravity of the issue … when the governor recognizes we need to make some freezes and cuts."
"There's definitely going to be pain in what we have to do," Scarnati says, "but like working families have done – balanced their budgets, and cut back and figured out how to make ends meet – Without a doubt, it's time Pennsylvania does that and does it without a tax increase."
He says he believes all four legislative caucuses are aware of the gravity of the situation.
"It's a major discussion that's going on at the Capitol and back in everyone's districts," he says.
"Nobody is certain yet what the enormity of the problem will be when we reach June," Scarnati says, "but something I think we all agree on is: We need to start addressing it now in an attempt to tighten our belts before we get into a situation that proves almost impossible to get out of."
Some experts have estimated that the budget deficit could be as much as $2 billion by the end of the fiscal year in June.
Scarnati also talked about his dual role as senator and lieutenant governor.
"First and foremost," he says, "my position as senator in the 25th District comes first."
He says the job of lieutenant governor comes with "some very large responsibilities," including chairman of the board of pardons, which he takes "very seriously."
But, he says, he "will continue to have a strong presence in the 25th District."
Scarnati will be talking about these and other issues during his next visit to the LiveLine.