United Way at 50 Percent of Goal
“We’re so appreciative of the donors who are included in this latest update,” says Assistant Director Mandi Wilton Davis. “We understand the choices that so many in our community are having to make during the current economic situations, and are grateful that their choices include a contribution to the United Way.”
Executive Director Kris Luther says that although it may seem like it has taken a bit longer to reach 50%, expect the thermometers to rise quickly in the coming weeks.
“This figure does not include quite a few substantial accounts which we are looking to secure and finalize soon,” she says.
The members of the United Way Board of Directors, serving as this year’s campaign chairs, have been working to solidify various pledges throughout the local area, as well as to educate the community on the agencies and programs which benefit from the annual appeal.
“Our board members are our greatest advocates,” says Luther, “and we’re confident in their abilities to conclude a successful campaign.”
In other United Way news, the office will be open this Friday from 5:00 – 7:00 pm, participating in the downtown activities and family shopping night.
“We will be selling our Christmas cards and our cookbooks,” says Davis. “This is an excellent opportunity for those looking for last-minute gift ideas to finish their shopping, all the while supporting your local United Way.”
The cards, available in packs of 10, are available for $8.50, while the cookbooks are being sold for $15. The cards were designed by the Life Skills students at both GGB and School Street Elementary schools. The cookbook, “From Our Events To Yours”, features over 200 recipes from local individuals who have been associated with the organization during past several years.
The last day for the United Way to make initial solicitations for the current appeal is December 15, but representatives will be issuing various reminders to those wishing to complete their pledge and/or payment for the coming weeks.
For more information on the United Way of the Bradford Area or its funded agencies, contact the office or visit the website at www.uwbanews.org.