Oil 150 Updates Web Site
Randy Seitz, President of the ORA said: "Neil McElwee has done extensive research and has developed an extremely interesting series of essays that chronicle the development of the oil companies with roots in Western Pennsylvania. Anyone interested in the history of the petroleum industry will find these articles fascinating."
The material can be found in the "Essays" section, under "Pennsylvania Oil Companies" at www.oil150.com. The complete list of articles includes:
United Refining Company; American Refining Group, Inc.; Atlantic Refining Company; Crew Levick – Cities Service Group; Empire – Wolverine – Wolf's Head; Freedom Oil Works Co. and the Valvoline Oil Company; Galena Oil Company and Signal Oil; Gulf Oil company; Kendall Refining; Pennsylvania Refining company; Pure Oil Company; Quaker State Corporation; L. Sonneborn Sons, Witco Chemical Co. and Amalie; South Penn Oil and Pennzoil; and Sun Oil Co.
The "Calendar" section of the website contains a region- wide listing of events occurring through the remainder of 2009. A special section has been opened for the events occurring in the Titusville, Pennsylvania area. Any group or individual with an event themed around the 150th anniversary of oil can use the "Submit Event Information" form in the calendar section of www.oil150.com.
In the "Online Store" several new items have been added, including 5 fine art prints:
3 by Gary Crouch: Planning for Gold on Black Gold Mountain, Deep in the Heart of Texas, and Twenty – Four Seven;
People of Pithole by artist Daniel "Deac" Mong is available as a signed and numbered print on a foam core backing with an information sheet on the "people";
Fred Carrow's Drake Well is also available as a signed and numbered print (only 150 produced).
Other new items include coffee mugs, tee shirts, and a custom Oil 150 Zippo© pocket lighter.
Please visit www.oil150.com and see what has been added.