UPB 'Brand Champions' Honored

The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford on Wednesday celebrated faculty and staff who “go beyond” and chose winners among the student body who submitted homemade Pitt-Bradford videos.
At the 3rd annual Go Beyond Brand Party, the Sociology program, under the direction of Dr. Helene Lawson, and the Office of Computing, Telecommunications, and Media Services, directed by Donald Lewicki, were honored as this year’s Brand Champions. Selected by Dr. Livingston Alexander, Pitt-Bradford’s president, the Brand Champions are those people who best outwardly live the university’s brand promise, which includes providing a safe, friendly and personalized campus environment.
Lawson, professor of sociology, and Dr. Michael Klausner, associate professor of sociology, were recognized because of the close relationships they forge with their students that go beyond the classroom, explained Pat Frantz Cercone, director of communications and marketing.
“They work very closely with their students, promoting undergraduate research, supporting student-athletes, and going above and beyond when mentoring and advising their students,” Cercone said.
The office of CTM was recognized for the many services the staff provides to the entire campus community, which often go beyond the typical 9-to-5 day, from helping students access the university’s wireless network and keeping the computer labs functioning properly 24/7 to assisting faculty and staff with their computer accounts.
“They consistently respond to the entire campus quickly, professionally and courteously, no matter what is needed or when,” Cercone said.
Also during the brand celebration, the campus community viewed and voted on the videos the students created, which highlighted their favorite Pitt-Bradford things. This was the second year of the video contest, which is sponsored by the Department of Communications and Marketing.
The first place winner was Andrew Hwang, a business management major from Horsham, whose video, “Can’t Be Bought,” won him a $350 Visa checkcard.
The second place winner was Marshall Brodsky, a broadcast communications major from Rochester, N.Y., who won an iPod Touch for his video “Take a Tour With Me.”
Finally, the third place winner was Kelly O’Brien, a broadcast communications major from Derrick City, who earned a $150 Amazon gift card for her entry, “It’s the Little Things.”
To view all six of the entries, go to Pitt-Bradford’s YouTube channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/uPittBradford.
Pictured, Dr. Livingston Alexander, president, presents the 2009 Brand Champion Award to Dr. Helene Lawson, director of the sociology department. Also honored was the Computing, Telecommunications and Media Services office, which is directed by Don Lewicki.
(Photo courtesy of Pitt-Bradford)