ANF Earth Day Projects
From the US Forest Service:
State Game Land (SGL) 29 in Warren County is going to be a better place for native brook trout after Earth Day 2009. The Allegheny WINS Coalition has planned several Earth Day projects in partnership with the Pennsylvania Game Commission, Chapman State Park, Allegheny National Forest, Allegheny Outdoor Club, Warren County Conservation District, and YOU for Wednesday, April 22.
This project contains something for everyone:
decommissioning of a road;
restoration of 41 seep, spring, and stream crossings;
construction of vernal pools;
planting of trees and willow stakes;
seeding and mulching; and
pruning of apple trees.
Meet at Chapman State Park Office at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 22, if you want to ‘break a sweat’ to help reduce sediment levels in the upper West Branch Tionesta Creek. Wear rubber-bottom boots, long pants, long-sleeved shirt, a hat, gloves, and bring a lunch and drink.
This project is so tremendous because the failing roadway is adversely affecting both Wildcat and Slater Runs on SGL 29. Wildcat Run is classified as a Wilderness Trout Stream by the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission. Both streams are classified as Exceptional value by the Department of Environmental Protection. “Back the Brookie” and join this event!

This project contains something for everyone:
decommissioning of a road;
restoration of 41 seep, spring, and stream crossings;
construction of vernal pools;
planting of trees and willow stakes;
seeding and mulching; and
pruning of apple trees.
Meet at Chapman State Park Office at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, April 22, if you want to ‘break a sweat’ to help reduce sediment levels in the upper West Branch Tionesta Creek. Wear rubber-bottom boots, long pants, long-sleeved shirt, a hat, gloves, and bring a lunch and drink.
This project is so tremendous because the failing roadway is adversely affecting both Wildcat and Slater Runs on SGL 29. Wildcat Run is classified as a Wilderness Trout Stream by the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission. Both streams are classified as Exceptional value by the Department of Environmental Protection. “Back the Brookie” and join this event!