Derby Chapeau Tea March 29

The Bradford Area Public Library is sponsoring a tea later this month for women who would like to decorate, purchase or watch others create Kentucky Derby-style hats in anticipation of the upcoming Derby Gala community fundraising event in May.
The tea, called the Derby Chapeau Tea, will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, March 29, in the community room at the library. All proceeds will benefit the library’s endowment fund.
“We created this event to build excitement for the Derby Gala in May,” said Ann Kessel, co-chairman of the Derby Gala’s events committee. “This will give ladies an opportunity to create their own festive hat or purchase one during an auction, which they can wear to the gala.”
Those attending the tea will have the opportunity to decorate a wide-brimmed straw hat using an assortment of accessories, including flowers, feathers, birds, jewelry, etc., which will be provided. About 20 ready-made hats will auctioned off at the event.
“We also welcome anyone who may just want to watch others decorate hats and enjoy the refreshments,” Kessel added.
Refreshments, including tea sandwiches, cookies, petit fours and mints, will be served from 2 to 4 p.m.
Tickets for the tea are available now and can be purchased at the library. Ticket prices vary. For those who wish to decorate a hat, tickets are $35 per person. For those who want to attend but not decorate a hat, tickets are $10 per person. Only 75 tickets will be sold.
Also at the tea, tickets for the Derby Gala, which will be held on Saturday, May, 2, will be available. The gala will be held at the Bradford Club where guests will watch the Kentucky Derby, sample Southern-style cuisine, sip mint juleps and participate in other Kentucky Derby-related events. Tickets for the gala are $50 per person.
As with the tea, all proceeds from the gala will benefit the library’s endowment fund.
For more information about the Derby Chapeau Tea or the Derby Gala, contact Linda Newman at the library at 362-6527.