Effort to Get Young People a
Voice in State Government
Harrisburg -- On Wednesday, March 25, 2009, Pittsburgh Urban Magnet Project (PUMP) Executive Director Erin Molchany and Pennsylvania Senator Rob Wonderling (R-24th) were joined by young people from throughout the state to announce a new program aimed at giving twenty to thirty something's a voice in state government. The event was held at 10 a.m. in the Main Rotunda of the Capitol Building in Harrisburg.
The initiative called YouLead is designed around the idea of making Pennsylvania a premier state for young adults ages 21-34 years of age. More than just reversing the flow of young professionals out of the state, the initiative hopes to make the Commonwealth a place for the young to move to, start a business, work within their communities, and raise a family.
On November 19, 2008, YouLead hosted a conference in Harrisburg with young people, entrepreneurs, educators, and legislators to discuss the issues important to Pennsylvania's youth. The result was a number of proposals centered around three areas: Entrepreneurship; Education; and Empowerment. This winter, YouLead has been working on legislation to address these issues, as well as organizing a statewide young person's network, and developing a platform for the younger adult population of the state to have their voice heard in Harrisburg. Legislative sponsors of the various measures include Senator Wonderling, Senator Jay Costa (D-43), Senator John Gordner (R-27), Senator Michael Stack (D-5), Senator Lawrence Farnese (D-1), Senator John Eichelberger (R-30), Senator Mike Folmer (R-48), and Senator Richard Alloway (R-33).
"When it comes to important issues affecting our community, PUMP programs that give young people a voice in the Pittsburgh region are broadly and enthusiastically supported," said Molchany. "So it's exciting for young people statewide to have that same opportunity to participate in policymaking through YouLead."
Senator Wonderling added, "Pennsylvania is truly to lead the way in the 21st century, we must do more to listen to and engage our young adults in the policy making arena and support their entrepreneurial spirit. I look forward to a robust effort to make Pennsylvania a premier place where young people want to live and work."
For more information about YouLead or to join the effort, call Scott Sikoriski with Senator Wonderling's office at 717-787-3110 or email at ssikorski@pasen.gov.
Pictured are Wonderling (front) and Farnese. Photo provided by Senate Republican Communications.
The initiative called YouLead is designed around the idea of making Pennsylvania a premier state for young adults ages 21-34 years of age. More than just reversing the flow of young professionals out of the state, the initiative hopes to make the Commonwealth a place for the young to move to, start a business, work within their communities, and raise a family.

"When it comes to important issues affecting our community, PUMP programs that give young people a voice in the Pittsburgh region are broadly and enthusiastically supported," said Molchany. "So it's exciting for young people statewide to have that same opportunity to participate in policymaking through YouLead."
Senator Wonderling added, "Pennsylvania is truly to lead the way in the 21st century, we must do more to listen to and engage our young adults in the policy making arena and support their entrepreneurial spirit. I look forward to a robust effort to make Pennsylvania a premier place where young people want to live and work."
For more information about YouLead or to join the effort, call Scott Sikoriski with Senator Wonderling's office at 717-787-3110 or email at ssikorski@pasen.gov.
Pictured are Wonderling (front) and Farnese. Photo provided by Senate Republican Communications.