Johnson to Speak at Pitt-Bradford

Johnson’s talk, which is presented by the Friends of Hanley Library, will take place at 7 p.m. in the Mukaiyama University Room of the Frame-Westerberg Commons.
The program will include a viewing of a film produced by Friends of Allegheny Wilderness that uses photography and video of proposed areas to be protected. Following the screening of the film, Johnson will discuss his organization’s efforts for conservation on the Allegheny National Forest, followed by a question-and-answer period.
Kirk Johnson graduated from Albion (Mich.) College in 1991 with a bachelor of arts degree in philosophy and from The Evergreen State College in Olympia, Wash., in 1999 with a master of environmental studies degree. He founded Friends of Allegheny Wilderness in June of 2001.
Friends of Allegheny Wilderness seeks to foster an appreciation of wilderness values and benefits and to work with local communities to ensure that increased wilderness protection is a priority of the stewardship of the Allegheny National Forest.
Friends of Allegheny Wilderness can be found online at
The Allegheny National Forest is Pennsylvania’s only national forest.
And, further, if this group truly cared about a "wilderness experience" or "protecting wilderness" how can they not care about what goes on on the 99% of the same forest that is not designated wilderness? A tiny patch of protected "sorta-wilderness" in the middle of a commercial oil production or logging operation is completely value-less as far as most outdoors persons are concerned.
Who want's "wilderness that is logged and drilled"?
Or a "wilderness patch" that is surrounded by a industrial oil operation? Or clear cuts?
All I can say is WTF?
Leave it to Pitt Bradford to find a logging and oil producing friendly "wilderness proponent"!