Pitt-Bradford Psychology Professor Serves on Two Task Forces

Fass served on the STP Presidential Task Force on Interdivisional Relationships and the STP Task Force on Targeted Member Recruitment based on his experience and expertise.
The purpose and responsibility of the Task Force on Interdivisional Relationships was to assess the nature of STP’s relationship with other American Psychological Association divisions and identify ways in which these relationships may be strengthened.
While serving on the Targeted Member Recruitment Task Force, Fass reviewed membership trends over the last several years to ascertain which membership category would be best suited for a targeted recruitment effort, working collaboratively with the chairperson of the Recruitment, Retention and Public Relations Committee to develop strategies to pursue members in this category.
The Society for the Teaching of Psychology advances understanding of the discipline by promoting excellence in the teaching and learning of psychology. The society provides resources and services, access to a collaborative community and opportunities for professional development. The society also strives to advance the scholarship of teaching and learning, advocate for the needs of teachers of psychology, foster partnerships across academic settings and increase recognition of the value of the teaching profession.