School District Science Fair
The Bradford Area School District held its annual Science Fair Friday night at Fretz Middle School. Here are just a few of the exhibits. I wish I could post pictures of all of them!

This is the fifth year of the Science Fair, started by teacher Jan Russell. School District Superintendent Sandra Romanowski said during the first year, they didn't have enough exhibits to fill one side of the Large Group Instruction Room. This year, the LGI Room was full, and there were also exhibits in the hallways and the gym.
"We'll have it every year and it'll get better and better," she said, also noting that people who don't even have children in the school district were among the hundreds and hundreds of people who attended.
The event was partially funded by the Oil 150 Committee.
This is the fifth year of the Science Fair, started by teacher Jan Russell. School District Superintendent Sandra Romanowski said during the first year, they didn't have enough exhibits to fill one side of the Large Group Instruction Room. This year, the LGI Room was full, and there were also exhibits in the hallways and the gym.
"We'll have it every year and it'll get better and better," she said, also noting that people who don't even have children in the school district were among the hundreds and hundreds of people who attended.
The event was partially funded by the Oil 150 Committee.