A Special Group of Tourists
The theme of McKean County’s rich history and heritage was expressed at each stop on the tour. Visitors are attracted by the beauty and versatility of our natural resources and the authentic experience of rural America. Small businesses to serve the tourist are flourishing and several opportunities for entrepreneurs were identified. The pending construction of a visitor’s discovery center at the Kinzua Bridge State Park will increase our tourist count.
Leadership McKean is a guided comprehensive county leadership development program in its third year. Participants are introduced to offices, agencies, organizations and businesses that provide services to our communities and visitors. Each session is meant to stimulate the creativity and imagination of potential leaders so they are motivated to explore new ways to solve regional problems. For more information about this program contact the Bradford Area Chamber of Commerce, the Kane Chamber of Commerce or the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Outreach Services.
Pictured, The third class of Leadership McKean is pictured at the Kinzua Bridge State Park.
(Photo courtesy of the Kane Area Development Center)