Pitt-Bradford Interfaith Chapel to be Named for Harriet B. Wick

“This action by the University Trustees is the desired outcome of many years of planning and fundraising by many colleagues on campus and friends and supporters in the community and elsewhere,” said Dr. Livingston Alexander, president of Pitt-Bradford. “We’re deeply grateful to all who have given money to support the chapel project. With this action, we’re now poised to begin construction period.
One very special person who deserves a great deal of credit is Harriett Wick. She’s a principle supporter of the project, and we’re delighted to be able to officially name the chapel in her honor.”
Campus officials plan to break ground on the building next month, and a cornerstone laying ceremony is planned for Sept. 11. The chapel should be completed by late spring 2010.
Photo and drawing provided by Pitt-Bradford