Relay Underway

The GP team puts the finishing touches on its "Yankee Doodle Dandy" tent for the 15th Annual Bradford Relay for Life at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford. This year's theme is Relay on Broadway and among the other shows represented are "Into the Woods," "Wicked," "The Lion King" and "Annie."

If you haven't made dinner plans yet, here's an idea: The Relay for Life Food Court. Whether you're thinking about dinner (chicken barbecue) or something lighter (hot dogs) or just a snack (soft pretzels) or even something sweet (cinnamon rolls) -- there's something there for you. And all proceeds benefit the relay!

These giant bags will be part of ceremonies this evening at the relay. The opening ceremony starts at 6; the survivor ceremony, 7; luminara, 9. And the Miss Relay pageant will be held after the survivor ceremony. You don't want to miss that!


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