Warren Land Deal Approved

An amendment introduced by Rep. Kathy Rapp (R-Warren/Forest/McKean) to enable Warren General Hospital to purchase approximately 0.74 acres of land owned by the City of Warren for the fair market value of $81,500 was unanimously enacted by the Pennsylvania House yesterday as part of House Bill 1312 on second consideration.

"It is my privilege to facilitate final passage of this legislation for the citizens I represent," said Rapp.

Originally introduced as House Bill 720, Rapp's amendment would release the Project 70 land use restrictions on the two parcels of land owned by the City of Warren to allow the land sale to move forward. Rapp's legislation also specifies that proceeds from the sale of this land to Warren General Hospital will be deposited into a special account for use by the City of Warren, upon approval by the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) to develop park land that must include a ball field, a parking lot and an access road. Funds not used in five years will be deposited into the Project 70 Land Acquisition Sinking Fund.

Rapp's legislation is necessary because Section 20 of the Project 70 Land Acquisition and Borrowing Act requires the General Assembly to approve all other proposed uses of Project 70 land that do not involve the purchase of park lands or public recreational use. The amendment will take effect immediately upon House Bill 1312 being signed into law.

Now scheduled for final consideration on the House floor as early as Monday June 29, House Bill 1312 as originally drafted was solely intended to lift Project 70 land use restrictions for the City of Wilkes-Barre in Luzerne County.


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