Statements on Sen. Ted Kennedy

President Barack Obama:
I wanted to say a few words this morning about the passing of an extraordinary leader, Senator Edward Kennedy.
Over the past several years, I've had the honor to call Teddy a colleague, a counselor, and a friend. And even though we have known this day was coming for some time now, we awaited it with no small amount of dread.
Since Teddy's diagnosis last year, we've seen the courage with which he battled his illness. And while these months have no doubt been difficult for him, they've also let him hear from people in every corner of our nation and from around the world just how much he meant to all of us. His fight has given us the opportunity we were denied when his brothers John and Robert were taken from us: the blessing of time to say thank you -- and goodbye.
The outpouring of love, gratitude, and fond memories to which we've all borne witness is a testament to the way this singular figure in American history touched so many lives. His ideas and ideals are stamped on scores of laws and reflected in millions of lives -- in seniors who know new dignity, in families that know new opportunity, in children who know education's promise, and in all who can pursue their dream in an America that is more equal and more just -- including myself.
The Kennedy name is synonymous with the Democratic Party. And at times, Ted was the target of partisan campaign attacks. But in the United States Senate, I can think of no one who engendered greater respect or affection from members of both sides of the aisle. His seriousness of purpose was perpetually matched by humility, warmth, and good cheer. He could passionately battle others and do so peerlessly on the Senate floor for the causes that he held dear, and yet still maintain warm friendships across party lines.
And that's one reason he became not only one of the greatest senators of our time, but one of the most accomplished Americans ever to serve our democracy.
His extraordinary life on this earth has come to an end. And the extraordinary good that he did lives on. For his family, he was a guardian. For America, he was the defender of a dream.
I spoke earlier this morning to Senator Kennedy's beloved wife, Vicki, who was to the end such a wonderful source of encouragement and strength. Our thoughts and prayers are with her, his children Kara, Edward, and Patrick; his stepchildren Curran and Caroline; the entire Kennedy family; decades' worth of his staff; the people of Massachusetts; and all Americans who, like us, loved Ted Kennedy.
PA Governor Ed Rendell:
Governor Edward G. Rendell today issued the following statement on the passing of Senator Kennedy of Massachusetts:
“I was saddened this morning to learn of the passing of Senator Ted Kennedy, one of the true giants of American public life. It marks the end of an era in our nation’s politics, and indeed in our nation’s history.
“During almost five decades in the United States Senate, Ted Kennedy led the fight for the most vulnerable and least fortunate among us. He valued every person, no matter their station in life, and he worked tirelessly until the very end to make sure that all Americans could live in dignity and peace.
“He knew that the strength of a nation lies in the strength of its people, so he dedicated himself to fighting for all children to receive a good education, for everyone to have access to high-quality health care, and for everyone to have the opportunity for economic progress – in short, that everyone had the chance to share in the American dream.
“The United States has lost one of its greatest statesmen of all time. I will miss him as a friend, and the nation will miss him for the leadership, the guidance and the love that he gave to all of us.”
NY Governor David Paterson:
“It is with profound grief that I learned the news of Senator Edward Kennedy’s passing late last night.
“Senator Kennedy took his seat in the United States Senate in 1962, and from the moment he was sworn in, he fought for the progressive principles and ideas that he held so close to his heart. Over the course of 47 years in the Senate, he was an unstoppable force for peace, civil rights, expanding access to health care, improving education, reforming our immigration system and encouraging national and community service. It is fair to say that Senator Kennedy influenced every important issue that affected our nation for the past half century, and on every issue, he stood for justice and compassion.
“Senator Kennedy was the Lion of the Senate and one of the most consequential figures of the 20th century. He was intimately familiar with the Senate’s levers of power, and knew how and in what order to pull them. His mastery of the legislative process is unparalleled in our time, and he stands on par with giants like Webster and Clay. Still, first and foremost, he was a friend to regular Americans. He was a fighter for our needs. He was a true American hero.
“And so today, Americans mourn the loss of our great champion, but we also rejoice in what he lived for. As Senator Kennedy said of his brother Robert, so can be said of him: ‘He gave us strength in time of trouble, wisdom in time of uncertainty and sharing in time of happiness.’
“Senator Kennedy may be gone, but the impression he left on this nation and its people remains. The values he spent his life fighting for stand eternal. His dream for a better future lives. On behalf of my family and all of the people of the State of New York, I offer the Kennedy family my condolences on this great loss. I hope that they, and all of the Senator’s friends, colleagues and supporters, can take comfort from the knowledge that America is a safer, freer and more just nation thanks to Ted Kennedy.”
National Security Advisor General James L. Jones:
As a young Senate Liaison officer during the early 1980’s, I had the opportunity to get to know Senator Edward Kennedy who was then a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Senator Kennedy and his staff were among some of the best supporters the Marine Corps ever had on Capitol Hill. Despite his many responsibilities, he always made time for me on issues of importance to Marines and their families. Always gracious and well informed, the Senator was instrumental in the passage of the landmark legislation known as Goldwater-Nichols and military pay reforms, which ushered in the most comprehensive reforms of our military and defense establishment since the end of World War II.
Senator Kennedy, among the many things he will be remembered for, deserves to be honored for his genuine care and compassion for our men and women in uniform – his tireless work and his voting record clearly supports this distinction. While he never shied from challenging our senior military leadership during hundreds of committee hearings, he could always be counted on to be fair and open-minded in letting witnesses like me make our case to the committee and to the American people. He contributed a great deal to my “Washington education”, and I’m sure he is most proud of the contributions many of his former staff members continue to make to our nation today.
Senator Arlen Specter:
U.S. Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA) today issued the following statement regarding the passing of Massachusetts Senator Edward Kennedy:
“Senator Kennedy made historic contributions on civil rights, health care, education, the Judiciary, labor law, immigration, and virtually all facets of life in America. Working with him on the big issues of our era was a real privilege.”
Senator Bob Casey:
After returning from his trip to Pakistan and Afghanistan, U.S. Senator Bob Casey released the following statement on the passing of Senator Edward M. Kennedy:
“The United States of America and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts have lost one of the most dedicated, effective and compassionate Senators in U.S. history. The poor, the powerless and the forgotten lost their protector and ever-faithful advocate. The Kennedy family lost a beloved father, uncle, brother and mentor who endured many dark days of tragedy, pain and loss. It has been my great honor to serve with Senator Kennedy for the last two and a half years. Terese and I will keep Senator Kennedy, his wife Vicki and the entire Kennedy family in our prayers.”
Senator Kirsten Gillibrand:
"Senator Kennedy's dedication for over four decades to help millions of our nation's children, seniors and families is an inspiration to me, and I am honored to have had the opportunity to serve with him in the United States Senate.
"While we have lost an American treasure today, Senator Kennedy's rich legacy, historic legislative record and deep commitment to positive change for all Americans will continue to be felt for generations to come.
"My thoughts and prayers are with the Kennedy family as they grieve over their loss."
U.S. Ambassador to Ireland, Dan Rooney:
It is with sorrow that I report on the passing of Senator Edward M. Kennedy. Senator Kennedy was not only a great American statesman, but a good friend of mine and of Ireland and its people.
Senator Kennedy was a true advocate of health care, especially for children. He was committed to the idea that everyone should have access to health care.
He was a giant in furthering legislative resolutions for people in need, among not only his own constituents, but also among the people of Ireland.
Since his early days in the Senate, Ted Kennedy was active in the Northern Ireland peace process. He introduced resolutions condemning all violence in Northern Ireland, expressing support for the Good Friday agreement in 1998 and the blueprint for lasting peace.
Senator Kennedy was an instrumental supporter of Barack Obama's candidacy for the office of President of the United States. He continued that support after President Obama was elected.
My deepest sympathies go out to Senator Kennedy's wife, Victoria, and the entire Kennedy family. He will be sincerely missed for his active role in legislation and for his concern for the needy.
NY Senate President Pro Tempore Malcolom Smith:
Last night, America lost a true patriot and dedicated public servant. Throughout his storied career in the U.S. Senate, which spanned nearly half a century, Ted Kennedy epitomized the courage, unwavering resolve and commitment to justice that is the hallmark of our nation.
“As an early champion of healthcare reform, it was Senator Kennedy’s work and perseverance that brought us to where we are today- on the verge of sweeping reforms that will expand access to affordable healthcare coverage for everyone. From fighting for an increase to the federal minimum wage law to authoring the federal COBRA healthcare law, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Ryan White AIDS Care Act and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, Ted Kennedy’s legacy will live on through the millions whose lives he touched.
“More than his legacy as a great legislator, Ted Kennedy represented the greater ideals of fairness that have made our country a beacon of hope the world over. In arguably his most famous speech, Ted Kennedy said, ‘For all those whose cares have been our concern, the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die.’ That is how Ted Kennedy will be remembered; as a person who lived to make other people’s tomorrow better than today.”