Pitt-Bradford Auction for the Arts
Raises More Than Twice its Goal

The total more than surpassed the committee’s goal of $10,000.
“It was a wonderful venue to bring together generous members of our community to support the arts at Pitt-Bradford,” said Gail McDonough, chairwoman of the auction fundraiser committee. “It’s overwhelming and heart-warming. That’s really what touched me the most.”
Proceeds from the event will help offset the cost of arts programming such as the Prism, Spectrum and children’s Kaleidoscope series.
The top-selling item of the evening was a hand-crafted cherry toy box with walnut and maple inlay stuffed with toys, including a porcelain Irish doll, which auctioneer Hilton L. “Woody” Woodruff sold for $1,050. The toy box was made by inmates at the Federal Correctional Institution, McKean, which donated the toy box and wooden toys.
A set of seven one-of-a-kind Pitt-Bradford lighters, donated by Zippo Manufacturing Co., sold for $1,000.
And a framed art print of American Refining Group’s Bradford refinery at night along with a lighter bearing the same image sold for $950.
Many items cost far less, however, McDonough said.
“The silent auction items ranged from $50 or $60 to a couple hundred dollars. There were items for everybody.”
Pictured, John Levey, assistant professor of music, at the piano during the Pitt-Bradford Auction for the Arts held Saturday night. Levey played piano for the gala event, which raised about $22,000 for the university’s arts programming.
(Photo courtesy of Pitt-Bradford)