Over 150 individuals participated in the Smethport Comprehensive Blood Analysis on September 12 which was sponsored by the Smethport Rotary Club and Charles Cole Memorial Hospital. Screenings included testing for coronary heart disease, kidney disease, anemia, diabetes, liver disease, bone disease and respiratory disease along with optional prostate and thyroid testing. A portion of the event’s proceeds go to the Rotary to benefit their events, scholarships, and rotary involvement in the community. Blood draws were done by Carol Cole, CCMH laboratory; Tammy Peterson and Valerie Tinder, occupational health; Melanie Bishop, Port Allegany Community Health Center; and Sara Collins, Bowman Health Center. The next CBA will be held in partnership with the Oswayo Valley Memorial Library from 7 to 10 a.m., Saturday, November 7 at the Oswayo Valley Elementary School in Shinglehouse. CBA events are held to provide commonly ordered blood screenings at a greatly reduced cost to patients and the communities. For more information on upcoming CBA dates, call 814/274-5550.
Photo courtesy of Charles Cole Memorial Hospital)