UWBA Thermometer Starts to Move

“We’re proud to be able to make this announcement, especially given that we haven’t gotten into the campaign as heavily as we will be in the coming weeks,” says Assistant Director Mandi Wilton Davis. “We will be working with the campaign chairs and visiting the local community quite a bit between now and the end of the solicitation process in December.”
“If this is any indication of how this appeal will take place, we are very confident that we will be successful in reaching not only our monetary goal, but also that of funding so many deserving agencies and programs,” says Executive Director Kelly Case.
Efforts will continue over the next three months to not only solicit the local community for monetary support, but to also educate it on the purpose of the United Way.
“We greatly appreciate it when someone asks questions, or wants a further explanation as to what we do and how we do it,” says Case.
Davis echoed those remarks, adding “We want to take any opportunity possible to address anyone’s concerns or to clear up any misconceptions, but we also are looking to promote the agencies being funded.”
The United Way Board of Directors is currently in the process of determining which agencies and programs will receive funding during the 2010 calendar year. The requests for proposals (RFP’s) were due September 1, and the committees comprised of the board members will be meeting numerous times to make their recommendations, which will be voted on in October.
“We want to let the agencies know in November as to what the will be receiving (based on the campaign revenues), so as to give them adequate time to prepare their calendars for the coming year,” says Case.
“I can honestly say that I don’t know where my agency would stand without the financial support we receive from the United Way,” says Judy LeRoy, an employee of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services and the corporate division chair of the current campaign. “We greatly appreciate the hard-earned dollars that this community chooses to contribute.”
The local staff has also been busy summarizing the annual kick-off event, Pig Roast/Clam Bake, which was held September 10th.
“We know we had another successful evening,” says Davis. “Our gratitude goes out to all of our volunteers who put forth so much time and effort into that day. It literally could not be done so smoothly without the crew that we have.”
Plans are currently being finalized for the next special event, Tailgate Party, scheduled for October 18th at Byllye Lanes. More information on that event will be publicized soon.
If anyone has any questions regarding campaign 2009, “Back To Basics”, contact the office.