Chloe's Mom & Dad look over some of the items in the McKean County SPCA silent auction, while Chloe looks at some of the items for sale (and probably wonders if they're going to buy her a nice, new Christmas outfit.)

These Shelties are just two of the many four-legged visitors to the open house, which is going on until 3 p.m. The SPCA is also holding a rabies clinic until 3 p.m. It's only $5 per cat or dog.

You think Wade Aiken's job as a photographer for The Bradford Era is easy? Well, it can be a little difficult when one of the subjects of his photo insists on not facing the right way. That's Humane Officer Tony Danias looking on.
Thanks to J&K Pets, Ott & McHenry Pharmacy, Northwest Savings Bank, Crescent Beer, Little Caeser's and W.R. Case & Sons Cutlery Company for making our broadcast possible.