Blaise Dornisch of the Elk County Tea (Taxed Enough Already) Party Chapter talks to a full house at the Greater Bradford Senior Activity Center Monday night. This was the first meeting of the Bradford Chapter. Dornisch is holding up a pocket-sized copy of the US Constitution, and says everyone should have a copy of it, and read it. He said, step by step, the government is
dismantling the constitution and the liberties it was intended to protect. The answer, he says, is to get rid of most of the politicians in Harrisburg and Washington. He did say that, so far, Congressman Glenn Thompson and state representatives Marty Causer and Matt Gabler are doing a good job.
The U.S. Declaration of Independence recognizes the people the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If you think that Welfare, Health Care and a spouse (of whatever gender) should be included in happiness, I must remind you of the word pursuit. Otherwise, liberties will be taken to give some of us Health Care and a spouse pretty much the same way taxes are taken to give some of us Welfare.
Some of the "Republicans" (In Name Only) are not as "Conservative" as some of the (Blue Dog) "Democrats" are.
I was not at the meeting, but I would hope that you (Natasha and everyone who was there) could let the rest of us know what thoughts you had after attending the meeting.