Cooking for a Cure

The cook book is dedicated to all those who have heard the words, "You have cancer". Those of us who Relay are humbled by what we have learned from all who have lived with cancer.
With the courage of survivors, we will find a cure. Every day, all across the country, people are proving that many forms of cancer can be beat. Tremendous strides have been made in prevention, care, and the treatment of cancer. Today, more than ever, we can fight cancer and win!
In 2010, the Kane Area Relay will celebrate its 10th Anniversary. "Cooking for a Cure" was created in recognition of a 10-year partnership between the Kane Area and the American Cancer Society and in appreciation to the residents of the Kane Area who over the first nine years have been so generous in fundraising efforts. It takes a community. And the Kane Area has truly stepped it up, raising more than a half million dollars toward a cure.

The cook books are available from any participating Relay team for $10 each or anywhere a team might be fundraising. For more information, contact Kane Area Relay Co-Chair at