New Jardini Family Scholarship

David Jardini is the co-founder and president of C/G Electrodes LLC in St. Marys. He’s also a University of Pittsburgh alumnus, as are several members of his family.
David Jardini earned his master’s degree in social history at Pitt-Oakland, where his wife, Dawn, earned her master’s of business administration degree.
David Jardini’s father was the first generation of his family to attend Pitt-Oakland or college of any kind. After immigrating to the United States from Brazil, he earned his bachelor’s degree and eventually his doctoral degree in Spanish.
David Jardini’s mother earned her master’s degree in audiology from Pitt-Oakland, and Jardini’s son will attend Pitt-Oakland beginning in the spring term.
David and Dawn Jardini moved to Elk County seven years ago to start C/G Electrodes, which was formed in 2003 to acquire and restart the St. Marys operations of a bankrupt company. Recently, however, they have relocated to Pittsburgh to be closer to their family.
C/G Electrodes manufactures graphite electrodes used in the steel-making process.
“We really enjoy our life in Elk County,” David Jardini said. “We feel like with the effort that everyone at C/G has put into the company, it’s important to support the community the best we can.
“We wanted particularly to give back to the education system in that area. I’ve been very impressed with the Pitt-Bradford campus, and we really believe that the university is doing great work there.”
Jardini is a member of Pitt-Bradford’s Advisory Board.
The Jardinis’ gift of $5,000 has been matched by the Agnes L. and Lewis Lyle Scholarship Challenge.
The Thomas Scholarship Challenge was made possible by a $1 million gift from Agnes L. Thomas. For as long as the funds last, the challenge will allow donors to double the amount of gifts between $5,000 and $50,000 to new or existing scholarships. The gifts must be paid within five years to be eligible.
For information on the Thomas Scholarship Challenge or contributing to the Jardini Family Fund, contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (814) 362-5091 or e-mail Joelle Warner, manager of donor relations, at
Pictured are members of the Jardini family: David, his wife, Dawn, and daughters, from left, Jacquelyn, 6, Catherine, 5, and Grazia, 5 months