Skiing for a Cause

The 31st annual Tony Dolan Ski for Cancer is going on until 4 p.m. today at The Westline Inn.

Pictured from top, enjoying the snowy weather, and getting ready to head out to the trail. Teachers from all the Kane schools gather every year to raise money for the Cancer Society. Fran Stewart and Chris Perkins of the Cancer Society talk about the baskets full of goodies that were being raffled off. Fran, along with Betsy Dolan Esrich show off print being raffled off (during their visit to the LiveLine Wednesday). And last, but definitely not least, before they took to the trail, Ed and Deb Fidurko of East Resources (center) donated $2,000 to the Ski for Cancer. Also pictured are Cancer Society volunteers Marlene and Bill Walb, and Tim and Leda Lyon of Schlumberger.


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