SNO-Ball Slated at Pavilion at BRMC
Another highlight of the Valentine’s Day-themed party will be crowning the king and queen from among Pavilion residents.
Music performed by accordianist John Berne will give corsage- and boutonniere-adorned Pavilion residents an opportunity to dance with University of Pittsburgh at Bradford students who will be in formal attire.
There also will be food and refreshments for all guests who attend,” said Karen Sutherland, ADC, CDP, The Pavilion’s activities director.
“It’s a very nice event for us,” said Pavilion resident Dawn Taylor. “We appreciate all the work the students do for us at this annual event.”
The SNO-Ball was started by Pitt-Bradford’s Student Nurses’ Organization (SNO) as a way to give The Pavilion residents a memorable and fun-filled activity during the winter.
Event co-sponsors include Pitt-Bradford’s men’s sports teams and Alpha Phi Omega, a co-ed service fraternity at the college.
“It’s a great event. The students take the ball and run with it, which includes planning and decorating,” said Mary Boser, RN, MSN/Ed., RNFA, CNOR, assistant professor of nursing at Pitt-Bradford and also SNO advisor.
“The Student Nurses’ Organization offers learning experiences outside the classroom for personal and professional growth. Student involvement in SNO provides an excellent way for them to give back to the field of nursing and the community,” Ms. Boser said.
“Being involved in this event offers the students the opportunity to develop the leadership skills that will help them throughout their nursing career,” Ms. Boser said, adding, “The Valentine’s-themed dance at The Pavilion also provides an opportunity for students to participate meaningfully with the residents while promoting the achievement and maintenance of healthful living. Also, the students participating in this event take away an image of nursing that doesn’t involve a hospital bed but rather an opportunity to engage in relationships with people in a way that is not clinically bound.”
“Last year was my first time being involved with this event. You can tell the residents love this. They would talk about it for months afterwards. Also, this event gets us involved with promoting wellness and healing,” said Angie West of Brackney, a second-year nursing student at Pitt-Bradford.
“This is my first year being involved with the SNO-Ball but you could tell by their smiles in the photographs that they really enjoyed it,” said Carrie Klein of St. Marys, a first-year nursing student at Pitt-Bradford.
“Events such as this for Pavilion residents can have a positive and lasting effect for them,” noted Mrs. Sutherland.
The Pavilion at BRMC is a 95-bed, long-term care facility for residents and also provides short-term restorative care for post-surgical patients. For more information about The Pavilion, call 814-362-4533 or go online at
Pictured, Carrie Klein (left) and Angie West (right), both nursing students at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford and members of the Student Nurses’ Organization (SNO), review plans of the upcoming SNO-Ball with Dawn Taylor, a resident of The Pavilion at BRMC.
(Photo courtesy of BRMC)