PA Game Lands Workday Planned
This year we will meet at 8:00 AM on Saturday, March 27, 2010. Groups will form and work 9AM-noon and 1PM until 4PM or until the work is done. We will park at the dedication sign going into the Shawmut tract of PA State Game Lands #44. Signs will be placed along route 219 south of Ridgway.
We will need as many people as possible to bring chain saws, chaps, helmets, pruning poles and other safety gear and brush cutting tools. Pheasants Forever will once again provide a lunch for the volunteers. We will be working outdoors cutting brush and building habitat so dress for the weather with good boots.
This is a great way for scouts and kids to earn community service hours. Everyone must complete an Agreement for Voluntary Service form. If you are bringing anyone under 18 years of age, please use the contact information below so that their parents or guardians can sign a waiver a head of time.
Can you commit to 3 hours of good outdoor exercise? Please reserve this date on your calendar.
The following members were elected to hold official positions for Chapter 630 of Pheasants Forever at the January 21, 2010 meeting. President – Dick Bodenhorn; Vice-President-Andy Werneth; Secretary – Leon Blashock. The Treasurer position is open at this time. We are looking for a capable volunteer that will be rewarded with gratidude. We are very excited for these officers who accepted the challenges of the new year although all our members are indispensible. We also would like to acknowledge the work of past officers for helping to make this chapter one of the most successful in the country.
Isn’t it about time you got involved? Our next meeting is, Thursday, February 25, 2010 at 7:00 PM at the Capital City fire hall on Front Street in Ridgway, PA. Visit our recently updated web site at For more information, call Jane at 814-772-4604.
(Photo provided by Pheasants Forever)