KCH-Hamot Heart Forum Rescheduled

The forum is a “Heart to Heart” about heart disease, the number one killer of both men and women in the U.S. Each year between 1.2 million and 1.5 million people in the U.S. suffer a serious heart attack. More than 500,000 die.
Everyone is welcome to attend the free forum. Pre-registration is required. To register or learn more about this event call KCH Cardiac Rehab at 837-4779.
When you register, ask about what information you should bring or get prior to the forum so you can complete a heart risk assessment during the event. The assessment is a tool you can take home, share with your doctor, or use as a guide to regain or maintain a healthy heart.
Speakers include keynote Kelly Hayes, M.D., Cardiologist, Hamot Heart Institute and Hamot Heart for Women, whose talk is entitled “Women need Stents too.”
Val Jackson, Regional Director of Hamot Heart Institute will present a heart disease risk assessment tool and walk participants through it.
We all have certain factors that increase the risk of developing heart disease. Some of these risk factors are controllable and some are not and this session will help determine the difference and provide guidance on how to mitigate risks moving forward.
Jessica McDivitt, Manager of Cardiac Rehab and Wellness will talk about the Cardiac Rehab Program at KCH and Emily Zimmerman, Cardiac Rehab instructor will talk about the many health and fitness options for maintaining a healthy heart at KCH.
In addition to the presentations, participants will receive an information packet on heart disease, have an opportunity to ask questions, and enjoy a heart healthy snack.
This event is open to the public. It’s a great event for families with a history of heart disease or gatherings of friends. Join us.
Pictured, at last year's heart forum Jessica McDivitt, Manager of KCH Cardiac Rehab and Wellness (far right) is helping assess Body Mass Index or BMI, one of the important numbers to know in assessing overall risk of heart disease. When you call to register for the forum at 837-4779, ask how you can learn the numbers needed to complete a risk assessment at this year's forum on April 20, 6-8 p.m. at St. Callistus Church in Kane.
(Photo and information provided by Kane Community Hospital)