Pitt-Bradford Professor's Article
Appears in Conference Proceedings

The paper, which was co-authored by Dr. Pratim Datta, assistant professor in management and information systems at Kent State University, is about consumers’ experiences with online 3-D interfaces.
“As more and more companies start to use 3-D animated ads to present and promote their products on the Internet, there is a need to understand how certain characteristics of 3D interface influence consumers’ attitudes toward the product and the company,” Wang said.
“Our research provided evidence that 3-D rich media may effectively attract consumers’ attention, but may not necessarily increase consumers’ intention to make a purchase. Consumers are more willing to purchase if the online interface allows a certain level of interactions with the products.”
Wang received his doctoral degree in business administration from Washington State University, where he wrote his dissertation on information systems. His research interests include technology adoption and use, human-computer interaction, electronic commerce, virtual team dynamics and knowledge management.
Wang’s research articles have appeared in academic journals such as Information Resources Management Journal and Journal of Organizational and End User Computing.
He has also published his research in a number of international and national conference proceedings and is a member of several academic organizations, including the Association of Information Systems, the Academy of Management, the Institute for Operations Research and Management Sciences, and the Decision Sciences Institute.