Concierge Service Begins at BRMC
For those needing assistance, directions or have questions, the concierge will quickly direct in-coming visitors and provide help. Also, concierge will help facilitate transport for those patients needing assistance.
“This courtesy program is designed to make each hospital visit as pleasant and efficient as possible to everyone entering or leaving Bradford Regional Medical Center,” said David Kobis, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer at BRMC.
Meanwhile, the information desk volunteers will continue to provide services to staff, patients and visitors from the Volunteer Services office located on the first floor of the main corridor.
“We extend our sincere appreciation to an outstanding group of volunteers who will continue to provide friendly service to BRMC’s patients and visitors. The Concierge Service will only enhance what we already provide to our guests,” said Stacy Williams, Director of Volunteer Services and Annual Giving.
Pictured, Bradford Regional Medical Center’s concierge Robbie Yonushonis is inside the hospital’s main lobby, ready to help anyone with questions or directions.
Photo and information courtesy of BRMC