Britaney Dunkle Wins Thompson's
Congressional Art Competition

“It is amazing to me that one so young can show such talent and skill,” said Thompson. “She has shown her brothers and sister in a moment of concern—and you feel that as you look at the piece.”
Congressmen and their guests and visitors have a year to admire the hundreds of pieces of art from congressional districts around the country and then the Congressional Art Competition starts another round for 2011.
Dunkle’s parents are Jill and Bill Bailey of Franklin. She is the student of Christine Flood at her high school. Her pencil drawing of her brothers and sister has a caption Dunkle added:
“Growing up is never easy: learn from the past & prepare for the future… but remember that today is a gift—that’s why it is called the present—so open the gift that is today.”
The contestants were honored Saturday May 1st, 2010, at the Winkler Gallery in DuBois. The entries were judged by local artists associated with the Winkler Gallery.
Other winners were:
Second Place: a photo by Colleen Gross, DuBois High School
Third Place: a pencil drawing by Zachery Berdman, Montgomery High School
Fourth Place: a mixed media presentation by Sanjana Gupton, Williamson High School.